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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name

(U/N): Uncle Name

(M/N): Mother Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

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''The curse of ignorance is that man without being good or evil is nevertheless satisfied with himself.

And because of that, he places an unbalance of life around him.''

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AUGUST 5TH, 2024

IT WAS A normal day. Some of the team had come back from a mission while others who stayed were called to the conference room. All of them dumped themselves into chairs as Fury wanted to 'debrief'.

''Normally, I would have us debrief, but we have a different and more important subject at hand,'' Fury said, spiking the interest of some of the team (STEVE ROGERS) while others sat bored out of their minds (TONY STARK).

''On what? Something good, I presume,'' Steve said, but already knew that statement had been thrown off the table a while ago based on the look on both Fury and Maria's faces. 

Maria left the room for a quick second, only returning back just as quick with a box in hand, another agent holding a similar one in their hands as well.

Maria nodded the agent of, seeing they weren't of use for anyone in the room for the time being. 

''What's this about?" Natasha asked, reaching forward from the place she was sitting to grab a book out of the box, studying the cover.

Natasha studied the book closer. ''What does (Y/N) have to do with any of this?" the assassin asked. The mention of their soulmate brought their full attention to Fury and Maria, besides Sam and Scott Lang who were just there because. 

On Maria's lips rested a light smirk. ''Did you know that (Y/N) is a (L/N)?" she asked, causing more of the room, especially Tony, Steve, and Bucky, to begin to stutter. 

''Wait, wait, wait! You're telling me that (Y/N) - our (Y/N) - is a (L/N)?'' Tony said, disbelief casting upon his words. 

''Uh, what's so special about (Y/N) being a (L/N)?'' Sam asked, clearly missed out on something. Peter scoffed. ''Only the oldest, richest, and strongest family to ever exist,'' he deadpanned. 

Wanda raised an eyebrow. Nowadays, when she heard the word rich, she thought at least $2,500,00 million dollars rich. ''How rich?" she asked. ''Think Stark-level rich, but higher,'' Fury told the Sokovian.

''No offense,'' Scott, who had been quiet for the most part said, ''but how did your soulmate, someone who could get anything, become a Hydra killer?"

The room fell into silence. Natasha knew the answer. She had met one of the (L/N)'s before. (U/N) was a very difficult man. How (Y/N) turned out the way she didn't surprise her slightly, but not greatly, as she still carried stubborn (L/N) traits.

Fury didn't answer his question as he looked through his files on one of the SHIELD tablets. ''Did you know that her parents brought her a manor when she four before she moved back to the US?" he asked, pulling up a modern manor that was roughly about $560 million dollars.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now