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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name 

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''Thunder is your inner beauty and lightning is your loving spark.

Thunder and lightning among the clouds are matched by storms of passion within me as terrible as they are.

When shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or rain?''

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THE CRACK OF thunder woke (Y/N) who was sleeping soundly. 

A groan left her lips as she sat up, slipping out of bed and to the main room that was on her floor. 

Through the large windows, she saw the lightning before hearing the thunder. The rain hit the tower and windows as she grabbed a light jacket and headed to the elevator. 

''Where to, Ms. (L/N)?" JARVIS asked. ''To the roof,'' she answered with no hesitation. The elevator was silent until JARVIS started speaking again. 

''You don't have access to the roof, Ms. (L/N),'' he answered, making the woman sigh. ''I won't go anywhere out of view, Jarv. You'll know where I am the whole time,'' she told him. 

The elevator was filled with silence once more until it began to move upward, much to her liking. 

As the door to the roof opened, the light beeping in her left her ear began as she walked towards the end of the roof, the rain landing on her nose and head. 

She sat on the edge of the roof, the fear of falling off was basically not even there when she knew that she was safe. 

The thunder and lightning seemed to get close each time it hit, at the same time sending electric pulse onto Thor's mark that rested on her left shoulder blade. 

A strong heartbeat and heavy footsteps started to come from behind her, but the sudden movement and noise didn't startle her. 

Thor soon appeared next to her, but no words were spoken as they paid attention to the jolts of electricity striking about in New York.

As the next flash of lightning hit, (Y/N) chuckled, catching Thor's eyes as he paid attention to her soulmate? ''What is it, my lady?" he asked. 

''They call you the God of Thunder, but thunder is just the noise before lightning, so shouldn't you be the God of Lightning?'' she question, getting a blank expression from the Asgardian. 

''I suppose, my lady. Yet as I control both elements, doesn't God of Thunder have a better ring to it?" he asked with a sly smirk, causing (Y/N) to laugh slightly. 

''I guess,'' she said, turning back to the view of the city that never seemed to sleep. The sound of the clash of thunder and rain in her ears soothing her anxiety. 

''You are restless, Lady (Y/N),'' Thor told her after feeling her worries flow straight to him. ''What is it that troubles you?" he asked. 

(Y/N) sighed as she turned to one of her many loves. ''It's just... different being here, you know? Being thrown into an environment you're not used to.

I'm so used to moving, being in action, the only place I really feel caged or different is in my own head with what I can do.''

Thor nodded, understanding. ''It was like that when my father banished me from Asgard. You mortals were and still are so complicated,'' he said, a light smile on his face at the memories. 

(Y/N) moved closer to Thor, her head now resting on his shoulder. ''It's not that I'm not comfortable with you guys, I just have to get used to it,'' she murmured lowly, closing her eyes.

The two sat quietly. Almost falling asleep by the rain and thunder and around despite being wet. With a quick motion, in sync with the lightning, he sweeped her up in his arms, earning a yelp from the woman.  

''W-where are you taking me?" she stuttered as her eyes turned pink and purple and a blush spread across her face.  

''You're tired, Lady (Y/N). I will not let you stress yourself any longer,'' she said as he took them both to the elevator where the doors were open thanks to JARVIS.

On her floor and in her room, Thor let her change her clothes. Now in another sweater and leggins, Thor placed her on the bed, both getting in and under the light covers. His hand automatically coming to her waist. 

Though she seemed asleep, her heart still pounded in her chest which didn't go unnoticed by Thor. 

He sighed as he placed a kiss on her forehead, which seemed to calm her down a bit and he breathing evened. 

''Just go to sleep, Lady (Y/N). I'll be here when you awake. I promise.'' 




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