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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color 

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''My heart warms at every single thing you do. 

The way your eyes look into mine, the way you hum quietly, or the way you bite your tongue when you're anxious or excited. 

And the thing that I don't know if I should be scared about is after I met you, my frozen heart was thawed to the point where it might've melted.''

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(Y/N) WANDERED AROUND the empty halls of the tower, trying to find something - anything - that would cure her of her boredom. 

Tonight, it rained lightly, something that soothed (Y/N) when she would be back home in France or in the cabin in Spain. The night sky looked as if tiny pebbles rained from the sky and danced with the stars in the distance.

That's how she found herself on the main floor of the Avenger's Tower, dancing slightly as she spun in circles. The smell of freshly brewed tea floated around her as she saw Loki reading on the couch, a lit candle floating in the air beside him. 

As quietly as possible, she walked behind him, her hands finding his head as her fingers began to run themselves through his silk-like raven black hair. The more she did so, the more she found Loki relaxing in her touch. Usually, the stuck up god was always tense around the others, but times like this when they were alone together, he always found himself loosening up. 

''Hello, Darling,'' Loki's voice said, cutting through the silence between the two like a stick of butter. It didn't bother either one of them as (Y/N) hummed, her fingers removing themselves from his hair as she walked around from the back of the couch and plopped herself right next to him. 

Her large (E/C) eyes stared at him for a while until they landed on the book he was reading. It had a brown leather cover and green craftsmanship and spine. 

Loki saw her eyebrows furrow as she moved closer, trying to read to hieroglyphics in the book. The expressions that ran across (Y/N)'s face amused the god. 

Without anything being said, she lifted the god's arms so she could position herself between his upper thighs and ridiculously long legs as she stared more at the book. 

The position wasn't new within the team and herself, often, she found herself getting in the position with the others without much thought of all, but none of seemed to mind because she would often fall asleep like this in their arms, much to their delight. 

''What's Rune Magick?" she asked, getting a surprised look to come from the god. 

''You can read this?" he asked, questioning himself if he didn't just see her confused while she tried to read the book. She shrugged her shoulders. ''The symbols just began to move and then turned to English,'' (Y/N) told him as she moved closer to his firm chest. 

''Tell me more,'' she said after a wave of silence washed over the room. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist as they got comfortable, lying across the couch. 

''Well, Rune Magick is just used for casting simple spells. However, it's very helpful when combined power is used for a spell...''


It was the beginning to become late dawn when the two began to finish wrapping up their discussion on Rune Magick. Steve, Bucky, and Sam were the first to leave their rooms and spot the two. 

''Goodmorning,'' the three men greeted. Steve and Bucky both walked over to place a kiss on (Y/N)'s head while Sam ruffled her hair. 

The (H/C)-haired woman was going in between consciousness. She let out a small noise to let them know she got greeting as she moved as close as she could to the demi-god. 

She didn't seem to be affected at all by Loki's low bitter-cold body temperature. It seemed as if he was warmer to her than cold. 

The two supersoldiers and Sam were almost ready to go out for their regular morning run when Steve and Bucky turned to Loki. ''Do you think you could take her to her room?" Bucky asked, noticing her tired state. 

Loki only responded by nodding at the two. That seemed to please them enough as they began to leave the Tower, Sam promising that he would make breakfast when they got back, leading to Sam and Bucky to start arguing because James said how bad his cooking and Steve facepalming right before the elevator doors closed. 

Loki swept (Y/N) up in his arms as he used his magic on them both, arriving in her room. It was different than the last time he had been there. Painting from Morgan and herself, as well as flowers and small wooden animal statues now decorated her room. 

The god placed her on the bed as softly as he could before he placed a kiss on her lips. He got a tired kiss in response from the woman under him, who fell asleep after a matter of seconds of her head hitting the pillow. 

Loki smiled down at her lovingly as he began to leave the room, warmth spreading across his face and filled his naturally cold heart. 

In the beginning, he thought his soulmate wouldn't even want to spare a glance at him, nonetheless love him for what he had done, but you were different. He could sense it from a mile away. You accepted him and his flaws. 

Before leaving, he heard your light snores and peaceful sighs escape your lips. His grin was even wider now. 

''Sleep well, my Queen.''




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