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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

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"You know it sucks when you call someone an idiot

but then you do something stupid as fuck the second after?

That's me right now.''

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EVER SINCE TONY got that text, he couldn't sleep. He forced himself to down coffee to stay awake. 

He spent a good 4 hours trying to hack the laptop they used, but it seemed like it was soon destroyed a few minutes after their conversation. 

''Sir? Is something bothering you?" FRIDAY said to her creator, taking note of a large amount of caffeine in the Stark's pumping through him.

''I'm fine, FRIDAY. Wake up the others,'' he said, having known the plane would land in about 52 minutes. 

When everyone emerged from their sleeping post and into the main room, they were either pissed or tired as hell. 

"Why the hell are we awake at 9:30 in the damn morning, Stark?" Clint said, trying to rub the sleep out of their eyes and then glared at the billionaire. 

''It's our soulmate,'' he said. That woke them all up straight away. A few light curses of disbelief escaped their mouths. 

''Their plane lands 48 minutes. Let's go.''


To say the least, it was very surprising to see all the Avengers, including the gods themselves, walking into that airport, sitting down and waiting for airplane to land. 

At the time, they were spewing so many emotions onto (Y/N) that it woke her up, much to her dislike of being an insomniac.

''We land in 10 minutes,'' the pilot said over the loudspeakers, delighting (Y/N) that she didn't have to wait a few hours until they arrived. 

The flight attendant came over with the black coffee with light sugar (Y/N) had ordered when she woke up, but then something began to bother her as she took it into her hands. 

The burns on her body seemed to burn like the day she 'met' her soulmates who were a few meters away from her, which caused (Y/N) to widen her (E/C) eyes that turned purple quickly. 

She told Tony she was his soulmate. 

She's the Avengers' soulmate.

Tony knew her flight schedule.

''sHiT!'; she yelled, dropping her fresh-brewed coffee on the airplane ground, but that really didn't matter to her at the time.

She was screwed. 

"I am the biggest idiot ever!'' she said, watching as the airport came more into view, making the marks on her body burn more. Jason placed a hand on her shoulder. 

''What's up?" he asked, tiredly and worried. (Y/N) rolled her eyes. ''What's up? What's up is that I'm the world's biggest idiot and I should not be trusted with the English dictionary,'' she told him.


After telling them all what had happened the night before, they were all equally freaking out internally on the same levels. Mainly because:

1. They were all murderous and murderers

2. Wanted by both SHIELD and Hydra

3. (Y/N)'s the only enhanced and the Avengers' FUCKING soulmate

''Do we have to get off the plane?" Ruby said when the pilot announced it. Lola shook her head. ''Or we could just have quick and painful deaths here.''

(Y/N) really liked, that idea, but John shut it down. Don't worry, she thought to herself. Jokes on them, they don't know I'm already dying internally. 

Adjusting the mask on her face, (Y/NO got in the line to get off the plane but held on tightly to the back of Jason's shirt. God bless he was at least 6 feet. 

"I told you it would be better if I flew us there,'' she said. ''Well, it would've been better if you different say anything to Stark,'' he told the bright (E/C) eyed girl. 

Touché, Jason. Touché

After stepping off the belt and to the main part of the airport, she could literally feel them a few meters away in the airport. 

''Emergency exit?" (Y/N) suggested, directing Jason and the others over to it, them beginning to push them out of it. 

Her eyes flashed cosmic, making her freeze out how close they had felt from her. Regrettably, she turned around. 

She let out a shriek when she saw them walking over to her. ''Not this time, motherfuckers!'' she mumbled as she ran out the door.

A glimpse of Fury and Maria caught her eye outside as she ran. As well as other agents with guns.

But when she turned around, she was met with a familiar platinum-blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. 

''Hey, Princesa.''





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