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(Y/N): Your Name 

(S/C): Skin Color

(H/C): Hair Color 

(M/N): Mother Name 

(D/N): Dog Name

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''So we're both messed up?

You mean we've both killed people? 

Then yes, my love.''

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AS (Y/N) ROSE from the couch she slept on, she moaned in pain as her back muscles ached and cracked at the movement, the noise echoing throughout the cabin. 

Her wings felt like they were about to break, having been hidden away from existence for a few weeks now. 

The smell of coffee floated into the living room as she stood up, grabbing John's large flannel shirt while doing so. 

''Morning, princess,'' Ruby greeted (Y/N) as she walked in, handing her a cup of coffee to wake her up.

Noticing the way (Y/N) walked and the stiffness in her back, she came over to message her shoulders, getting a low moan from the woman. 

''You haven't stretched them in weeks,'' Ruby said to the (S/C) colored woman in a concerning tone. 

Shaking her head. (Y/N) just smiled up at her. ''I'll go after some breakfast. Think you can make me some pancakes?" she asked tiredly. 

Ruby smiled down at her. ''You know it.''


Walking down the stairs from her shower, (Y/N) adjusted her shift that containing two large slits in the back. 

''Leaving?" Jason asked from the bottom of the stairs, his own cup of coffee resting in his hands. 

(Y/N) hummed loudly, her short curls bouncing slightly as she came down the stairs. ''They need to be out,'' she responded. 

Opening the front door to the cabin, she turned back to the group of runaways who she considered family. 

''Be back in a few hours,'' John said, giving her a curfew in a brotherly tone. Having the okay, she nodded back at them, exiting the cabin and closing the door. 

(Y/N) inhaled as soon as she did, the woods around the cabin giving the air a grassy smell along with it. 

Snapping her wings into view, (Y/N) sighed loudly, spreading the out widely as she looked back at them.

Long, black-feathered wings rested behind her. They looked and felt soft, but after being dipped in vibranium, they were strong. 

After stretching her wings for a good solid 2 minutes, (Y/N) began flapping her wings, rising her off the ground slowly.

About 2,000 feet in the air, (Y/N) began soaring through and above the forest, the air rushing to her face and pushing back her hair. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now