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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color


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''Goodbyes don't mean the end, it does not say forever. It just means that we will meet soon again.''

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KADEN, SEAN, MARICE, AND KASSANDRA maneuvered around the house in silence as they packed their things into boxes and loading them into moving trucks.  

It was eerily quiet. They all tried not to flinch or vomit every time they'd enter the house to grab their things. It was still bloody pretty much everywhere they looked downstairs. 

"The upstairs is clear. What about down ere'?'' Kaden asked as he and Sean came down the stairs. Marcie stood up, nodding at the two. 

''Kassandra is outside loading the last bit of things into the car truck,'' Marcie told them with a tight smile, trying to light up the atmosphere. The two men nodded. 

''Uh, guys? Come out here!'' the three of them heard Kassandra say to them from outside. Marcie and Kaden left the house first as Sean closed the door behind them as he went as well. 

No one needed to see what was inside there.

''What's going-'' Sean stopped himself from speaking. He found himself doing that a lot lately. This time, he had a reason when he saw the Earth's Mightiest Heroes standing right in front of them. Anxiously and out of habit, the Aussie rubbed Marcie's upper forearms which seemed to calm her down. 

''You guys need somethin?" Sean asked warily. The redhead dressed in all black came forward. Her eyes reminded them of Rose's, but the only difference was that they were filled with some warmth. 

''We're the only ones living, well who lived in here,'' Kaden lied effortlessly. Natasha looked over to Loki, who had shaken his head and glared at Kaden who then gulped harshly. 

James walked forward, sea-blue eyes now dark and stormy as he glared at the Australians in front of him. 

''You see, Loki here is the God of Lies, basically our lie detector, so he can tell when you're lying. And right now...'' James took off the jacket he was wearing, showing off his blue and gold metal arm.

''You're lying.''

''I think that's a federal offense, don't you think?" Bucky taunted. 

Marcie sent a look towards Sean and Kaden who both grudgingly, nodded, but the small woman both knew that they were frightened, causing them to accept the silent gesture. 

''There was this woman that wandered into our backyard ere' a little over 2 years ago. She didn't know who or where she was,'' Marcie said. 

Loki sent her daggers. ''You're leaving something out of that, mortal,'' he scowled. Marcie nodded as she went to go fill in the blanks of that story. 

''Oy. She got emotional. I mean, we knew she was different, we could tell, but-'' she stopped herself when she saw the Avenger's faces, then sighed. 

''First, it was er' eyes. They turned purple, I remembered, and then the ground started to shake. We calmed her down, yeah, but that was the last time we saw her broken like that. And then the other night...'' Marcie shook her head, covering her mouth at the memory.

''What happened the other night?" Steve asked. Kassandra turned around towards the door, opening it and inviting the heroes in. 

Their faces paled when they saw how it looked like inside the house. ''Some guys we didn't know dressed in all black came. They had guns, and there was this guy. Sauer? We were upstairs and all we could hear was them yelling in pain and her laughing... Jesus...

You didn't see her eyes. God, it looked like she was going to kill us all at that moment. That wasn't the same woman with amnesia that we let inside our home that night. That was... someone else,'' Kass finished. 

The room was silent as she team's eyes continued to glance around the bloodstained room. ''What did she say her name was?" Steve asked. 



She landed on the roof, a familiar mask she found in her room back in Australia covering her face. 

She huffed lowly under her breath as she went down the side of the house by the latter. It would be hard to spot her in the dark. 

The crowbar that was strapped on her thigh went into her hands she approached the door, breaking the doorknob off. The wooden door creaked slightly as she pushed it open. 

Thump, thump, thump

Rose bit her tongue. Whoever was in this house, whoever she had known, was awake. She took her mask off. It would be better if it was off. They would probably recognize her better. 

As footsteps descended down the stairs, the (S/C)-skin kissed woman felt her body tense up unintentionally. 

Why? She didn't know. Maybe it was from when she still had her memory? Was this person good or bad? Maybe she should just leave-

''Hello? Who's there?" an elderly woman's voice called out into the darkness. Her body seemed to tense even more as the lights on the house turned on. 

When they were on, Rose could make out the elderly woman's features. She had faded red locks with a few (H/C) and grey locks here and there. The pale skin she had complied with some of her wrinkles. 

Looking upward, she was met with wide, striking green and brown eyes that bore into her (E/C) orbs. 




𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now