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(Y/N): Your Name 

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''I feel in love with a trickster because they tricked my heart

but I don't think they ever tricked their love for me.''

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ONE THING WAS for sure. (Y/N) hated showing off her body and it didn't help that it was hot as hell in the damn cabin.

It was the marks on her skin for one. She didn't like showing them off. The other was that she didn't like the way her body looked.

Negative thoughts, I know, (Y/N) thought after tugging on some sweatpants and a sweater. She continued to pack her things in her room into boxes and bags.

Why was she packing her things? Well, they were moving.

To fucking New York.

If anything, (Y/N) was pissed, but they didn't really have many places to go since they've lived in almost every part of Europe over the years. She was just glad that a friend had called and gave them a place to stay for a while.

Not that they needed it. They all had the money. Especially (Y/N). What, you thought the had the hearts to kill bad people for free?

The cabin was also a problem for them all. Not that they didn't like it, but since Loki knew their somewhat whereabouts, it worried them. 

Loki started dropping in a few weeks ago. It started with once a week but soon turned into every night (very early morning for the Avengers). Mainly when (Y/N) was the only one awake.

Finishing up her night packing, (Y/N) went down the stairs to grab her cold tea. Plopping down on the couch, she let a huge sigh roll off her sigh. 

A light breeze passed hear (Y/N) as her eyes opened, meeting bright emerald green ones.

''Loki,'' she said, moving closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder as her legs draped across his lap. 

Immediately, his hands met her calves, cold hands sending a chill through her body and directly to her spine. 

''Where you all going?" he asked, staring at the bare of the walls of the cabin. 

''New York,'' she said groaning. ''I love France. Especially my little rascal children,'' (Y/N) said, intertwining her warm hand with his cold one. 

She almost laughed at Loki's face that seemed to get pale than his usual complexion. ''I can't have kids. Don't worry,'' she stated.

He seemed a bit sad about that answer, but seem satisfied with it. ''And you're moving to New York? No offense love, but if you want to stay away from SHIELD, that's a pretty stupid idea,'' he told her.

(Y/N) barked out a laugh, but her eyes turned a flickering red and purple. ''Trust me, I know that. It'll only be for a while until the others decided when we start moving out more West.'' Her thumb rubbed the upside of his hand as she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. 

Loki huffed. ''You mortals are so desperate to please.'' (Y/N) rolled her eyes with a light smile. ''Said man who had 3 children.''

His eyes widened. (Y/N)'s smirk just grew bigger. ''You really gave birth to a horse and wolf? You really were an adventurous one. Should I be jealous?" she teased. He sent her a glare. 

''That was a couple 700 years ago. It was nothing,'' he said. (Y/N) laughed softly. ''Whatever you say, my princess.''

He fumed with playful anger as the grip on her calves got colder and tighter, causing her to shriek. Getting up quickly, she laughed and made her way outside.

''Loki, please!'' she gasped when he appeared right in front of her. The evil smirk on his face grew as his hands grabbed (Y/N)'s sides. 

''If you wanted to play dirty, you could've just asked,'' she said, leaning in to give him a kiss. 

Surprised with the action, the grip on her wrist fell. (Y/N) smiled, knowing her plan worked and winked at him.

''I have a long plane ride. I'll see you,'' she said, turning back towards the cabin. 

That's when a grabbed her tightly, bringing (Y/N) and Loki's chest close. I could only hear her heartbeat the loudest as he smirked down at me. 

Damn tall guys.

He leaned down, placing a kiss on her cheek. She let out a whine, but stopped and hummed in satisfaction when his lips were on his. 

The thing about Loki was that he was always cold. It may be the fact that he was a Jotunheim and he could snap her in a second (in more ways that one if you know what I mean), but it oddly comforted her, making her lean more into the kiss. 

It lasted for a while, but humans had to breathe. (Y/N) was the first one to stubbornly part, panting heavily as she looked into his eyes. He pulled her into a hug as soon as she did, not wanting to let go. 

''See you in New York,'' he when he let her out of the hug, a sly smile on his face before he used his magic to disappear. 

Damn trickster.




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