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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color

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''Sometimes jealousy and murder come to play. 

What if it isn't in your power?

Well then, I guess murder is trying to play.''

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AFTER (Y/N)'S COMMENT, the days passed and she was silent. She didn't talk but accepted food she had gotten from the agents with a nod. 

Her eyes were different, though. Her pupils and irises wasn't visible anymore. Instead, they were red with yellow lines in them. Something you would see on a TV show. 

She usually sat in the middle of the room, eyes opened or closed while she faced the door. The beeping from the camera subsided from time to time and she could tell when agents left the doors that gave them access to the cell room.

Were they beginning to trust her?

The Avengers were more distressed than her. One of them killed her parents? None of the could remember if the could. 

Tony thought it was him back when Stark Industries still created missiles for the government. People he hadn't even known were killed then. To this day, the guilt ate him alive. 

The team would go into the room where (Y/N) was being recorded. She knew when they did because she would glance at the camera and shift slightly. 

What? Natasha was very observant. 

It soon got to the point where they were getting jealous. Yes, jealous. It annoyed them that they couldn't have any interaction with their mate while agents did. 

Although (Y/N) would never admit, but she had a beautiful body. The Avengers knew it and they would get upset when they caught an agent eyeing her up and down or them talking about her in the halls. 

''Did you hear about Huntress?"

''I heard. She has all the good ones.''

''Eh, doesn't mean I wouldn't bite. You see her ass when she walks?"

It got to the point where the Hulk was so close to coming out at some of the conversations Bruce heard. Or when Bucky would sometimes slam his metal hand into to the wall, silencing the room immediately. 

They were all getting tired of it, so they approached where Matthew, Ruby, Lola, Jason, and John were. 

The five of them automatically shared a look when they saw the group of Avengers walk in, a slight smirk on Lola's face. 

'You're going to ask us about her, aren't you?" Ruby asked, smiling when her suspicions were corred when gazing upon their expression. 

Steve went to open his mouth to speak, but Lola shushed him. ''We already know what you want pretty boy,'' she sassily said. 

"And what do we want?" Natasha tested, not really having any patience with Lola or with any of them when it came towards their mate. 

''You want us to tell you which one of you killed her parents,'' John said, making his accent clear to them. 

''Jokes on you, we don't know,'' Ruby said, putting her hands in her pockets as she shrugged his shoulder. 

Stephen glared. ''You haven't been with her long enough for her to at least tell you a description?" he deadpanned. Jason only glared back at him. 

''Trust me, we've known each other since we were kids. It's just... her,'' he commented. 

''She secretive,'' Matthew spoke after words were shared. ''You can trust her with your life or be the best of friends,'' he told the group. ''But she's never talked about her past. With not one of us. She's gone through more stuff than any of us can imagine. I'm surprised how she's sane.'' 

The room was silent until footsteps were heard running down the hell towards them. 

"Guys,'' the agent panted. ''It's Wanda'' he said. None of them had noticed she wasn't in the room with them anymore. 

''What about her?" Pietro and Vision said in sync, both of them getting into protective brother and boyfriend mode. 

''She said she got into Huntress' head.''


The first thing the Avengers noticed when they got into the room with the cell was actually the room. 

While the cell was perfectly fine, the white room that surrounded it had crack mean in it. No, black cracks that looked infected. 

Wanda's eyes and hands were red and her hands were a few inches away from (Y/N)'s head. (Y/N)'s whole eyes were white with red sparks in them. 

Both women cringed as Wanda's hand began to tremble. (Y/N) had light tears coming out of her eyes as she struggled to keep them open. 

The agent stood there, unsure of what to do or tell them. ''They've been like this for some time now. All we know is that Huntress gave consent before the cameras had a blackout,'' he said. 

(Y/N) let out a grunt as a new crack appeared in the wall, but this time it was red. 

A blood-red crack. 

"I'm almost there,'' Wanda whispered to her, eyebrows furrowed as she tried to look for a certain memory of when (Y/N) was younger. 

Suddenly, both women gasped and (Y/N) eyes turned red. A whimper escaped her as Wanda removed her hands that were shaking, her red eyes slowly turning back to brown. 

With a flick of her wrist, (Y/N) made the cracks in the wall. All except for the red one. 

Wanda walked out of the cell, holding hand to her mouth as she seemed to catch her breath. 

''Wanda?" Pietro asked warily towards his sister. ''What exactly did you see?"

Her brown eyes met her brother's blue ones, and then to Bucky's brown ones with a sad expression on her face. 

''The Winter Solider.''




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