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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color 

(H/C): Hair Color

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''There's also that one stupid mistake 

that changes everything.''

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(Y/N) HAD JUST finished putting her things on the jet when the team came into view. She flashed them a bright smile as she walked towards them. 

''Are you done yet?" Bucky asked nicely, wrapping his flesh arm around her waist. ''Mhm,'' she hummed, placing a kiss on the soldier's cheek. ''You're just very impatient, aren't you?'' she stated, getting a chuckle to come from him. 

As the others started to board the jet, (Y/N) stood back, waiting until everyone was on it. When she saw Tony, she grabbed and tugged gently on his wrist. 

At first, he was confused, but when he saw her big (E/C) eyes staring back at him and biting her lip softly, he couldn't help but smile down at her. 

''You need something, Shortcake?" he asked. (Y/N)'s eyes shot soft daggers at him for using the pet name, but a smile was on her lips. ''Fly with me?" she asked, extending one of her black wings for him to see. 

Tony nodded before he told FRIDAY to tell the others about what they were about to do. He tapped the arc reactor on his chest twice before the suit began to form around him. 

As he did that, (Y/N) flapped her wings, causing her to hover a few feet in the air. She was on her phone before a devilish smile came from her. 

''What's going on with that smile? I don't like that smile. I got a black eye from Natasha because of that smile,'' Tony said rather quickly. 

''How about a little race?" (Y/N) voiced innocently. Tony raised an eyebrow at her. ''There's something else to this isn't there?" he groaned. 

(Y/N) sent a small smirk to her soulmate as she stretched her body and wings, after that, nodding towards him. ''You know me too well, don't you babe,'' the female teased. 

''What's the prize?" Tony asked. That was the most important thing to him. ''A pass to not clean the vents for 2 months. You know how we all hate chores,'' she shot. Tony scoffed as (Y/N) pointed a finger at him. 

''Clint's vents included.''

''You're on.''


The pair halted in the air quickly, both breathing heavily with smiles on their faces. 

''You cheated!'' (Y/N) yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the man covered in metal. Tony held a proud smile. ''Don't stress it, sweetheart. We both know it's just because I'm superior.''

That made (Y/N) smack Tony on the back of his head with the base of her wing. ''You were holding back at the end. I hate you,'' she huffed. 

''You could never.''

''I could. Don't test me Stark.''



''Wanna bet?" 

(Y/N) shook her head with a smile. ''Just for you to cheat with that too?'' Another signature smirk was flashed towards her from the billionaire. 

Flapping her wings steadily, she flew above to quinjet, humming softly in thought as Tony followed behind her. 

That led them into a somewhat comfortable silence. Every once in a while, Tony would turn to look at (Y/N). Sometimes her eyebrows were furrowed, other times they were relaxed as they flew forward. 

''What's on your mind,'' he asked. Her eyes flew open, turning a bright purple instantly. ''You've seemed on edge since we left the tower.''

(Y/N) sighed as she spun in the air. ''Have you just ever had a nightmare from your past?'' she asked seriously but was completely uneased. Tony nodded. ''All the time.''

''I have them... I think? They seem like they're mine, but they seem like they're from another place in another world because those exist now,'' she said, different expression flashing across her facial features. 

''It's probably just your mind doing stupid things. It does that all the time with everyone else. Don't stress about it,'' Tony told her. He felt the anxiety on his mark die down. 

But for some reason, a part of him believed every word that he was saying. It was the same thing that happened when Thanos was in his head and he saw flashes of the outcome of the wars. 

He was somewhere else. It wasn't pretty.


"Woah,'' (Y/N) said, eyes widening as she looked underneath her. Clear waters, mountains covered in flowers. It was all just beautiful. 

Following behind the jet, she began to make out people from below her that were grounded. Some clothes that the children wore were clearly from Asgard, others modern. 

Suddenly, the woman from the park's words came back to her. A part of her didn't trust her one it, but the other part was wary yet intrigued with it all. 

The jet landed as the Asgardian people in the small part of town crowded around it. Despite the uneasiness she felt, she grounded herself and sent a small, shy smile to the people as the team got off the jet. 

"Prince Thor, Prince Loki. It's a pleasure to see again, and this time with your mate,'' a old man with a light scruffed beard and dark chestnut hair said to the royal pair. 

(Y/N) tilted her head brushing her (H/C) hair to the side as it got in her eyes. ''How do you know I'm their mate?' she asked cautiously and curiously. 

Thor wrapped an arm around his soulmate's waist. ''Asgardians, such as Aleksander, who have rare bloodline abilities can since the bonds between people. He's the one who told me you were off-world,'' he answered.

Aleksander, as he was named, looked at her closely, as if he was looking something in her. 

His eyes widened before he dropped to his knees, almost as if he was praying to a god, yet seemed fearful. 

''Bearer of the mark, Bringer of Death. Welcome.''




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