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(Y/N): Your Name

(L/N): Last Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

(S/C): Skin Color 

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''Don't trust everything you see or hear. 

Even salt looks like sugar.''

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SHE DIDN'T WANT to believe it. She couldn't believe it. She was only a figment of her creative imagination. She was only a figment of her creative imagination.

She wasn't. 

It was supposed to be a normal day. (Y/N) had taken Morgan to the park. Occasional SHIELD agents that were supposed to be hidden from her line of sight surrounded the perimeter to keep an eye on them, but it didn't matter. 

(Y/N)'s demeanor changed completely when she had seen them staring right back at her. 

Those bright orange eyes. 

They seemed to glare back at her as they did in her dreams, but (Y/N) spotted some softness in them. Her hair was now a firey bright red that mixed in with her light orange streaks. It made her appearance look like one that would be used to fit in with society. 

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes were trained on hers, but would look back at Morgan once in a while to make sure she was safe. So when the woman began to move closer to them, (Y/N) couldn't help but let her eyes flash red as a warning. 

"Woah, no harm is going to be done with you and your kid,'' the woman said, holding her hands up in fake defense. ''I didn't think you would recognize me.''

(Y/N) glared sharp daggers at her. If looks could kill, she would be killed 100 times over. ''I didn't think you were real,'' she hissed. It only got a smirk to come from The Healer.

"You're a different one, I must say. You act more like your grandfathers,'' she said, but her tone soon grew soft,'' but you're more morally aware than the fact of continuing a reputation, something that they all lacked.'' 

By this time, (Y/N) was upset. For one, she didn't take about her family. Mostly for the fact that she didn't meet most of them, all dying before that. The second reason was from both sides, they were absent in her life. 

She wasn't raised like a normal person. She didn't have many memories to share or ramble about how great her parents were and what made her want to be them. 

Because she never got the chance. 

"Cut the shit. What do you want?" she asked, eye scanning over the park. (Y/N) could easily point out the SHIELD agents that were trying to listen in on their conversation. 

''Just a warning for you, my sweet, favorite (L/N),'' the woman said, grabbing and having all of (Y/N)'s attention, causing her to look over at her. 

''I wouldn't advise you to go to Norway. You may not like what you learn to remember.''


To say (Y/N) was nervous would be an understatement. The strange woman left soon after the comment was made, leaving (Y/N) complete and utterly confused.

Something told her that she would see her that same night.

Morgan and herself walked back to the tower soon after that. Blue vines crawled onto the top of her head like a crown. Both of them got off the elevator and stepped onto the common area's floor. 

''Hey, doll,'' Steve greeted her, placing a kiss on her cheek as they walked in. Flashing him a fake smile, her eyes scanned over the room. 

''Where's Loki and Stephen?'' she asked when she noticed that they weren't in the room with the rest of her soulmates. 

''They said that the need to do something, but didn't tell us for the exact reason or where they were heading. Why, is everything okay?" Natasha asked, sort of answering her question. 

(Y/N) nodded her head, but Natasha could read body language without hesitation like it was nothing. She picked up on (Y/N)'s uneasiness but didn't comment on it any further. 

Her (S/C) colored hand ran over the illusion-covered scar on her cheek, no longer worrying nor flinching when the familiar burn came. 

They'll be back soon, the voice in the back of her head said. (Y/N) tried not to flinch when the sound of a portal opening appeared right next to her. 

''Hello, dear,'' Loki said, caressing her cheek with his cold hand that sent light shivers down her spine. (Y/N) placed a light kiss on his knuckles as she looked into his eyes. ''Hey, boys. Where were you?" she asked. 

''At the sanctum. we had to find more about the mark on your back,'' Stephen stated. That didn't stop the anxiety one bit as it began small vines began to climb up her sleeve. 

''And what exactly did you find there?'' she asked, moving over to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. Levi flew onto her shoulders, cuddling her slightly as she grabbed a glass off the high shelf. 

Stephen sighed. ''Not much. The only connection we have so far with it is Asgard that was destroyed some time ago.''

(Y/N) nodded. ''What else?" she asked, though no one missed how her tone seemed to soften. Loki spoke this time, walking slowly over to her. 

''The remaining Asgardians that we know of have been placed on Midgard since the events of Ragnorok. We will head to Norway where we will hopefully find answers for all of us.''

(Y/N)'s face paled as the glass in her hands seemed to 











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