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(S/C): Skin Color

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"I woke up in a meadow, I think

I saw the flowers around me. Was that what they were called? 

I think.... what? 

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"I don't know. Isn't she too dangerous to even be alive?''

''Not to mention, how could she even survive that? The others sure didn't."

"ENOUGH!'' one voice yelled to the other two voices that kept going back and forth with each other. Bright orange eyes stared back to purple and yellow ones. 

''She lives,'' a man with red eyes said as he stood up. 

''She proved herself.''


ALL SHE COULD register when she woke up was the ground underneath her that was most likely grass. Her back burned painfully as her eyes opened. 

A groan left her lips as she rose slightly, only deciding that she was in too much pain at the current second to raise to her feet. Instead, she moved to her knees for the time being. 

''Where am I...?" she said lowly to no one in particular, only now moving to stand to her feet and she hugged her middle securely. 

It wasn't like she was expecting someone to pop out and answer her question. Glancing around the area she was in, maybe it was a forest that she was in. 

As soon as she thought it would be a good idea to start moving, she heard loud laughter come from behind her before she turned around. A small fence was spotted between a few trees far back. 

Moving toward the sound, she noted how painful it was to move. It felt as if a war was just poured onto her from all angles mental to physical, to emotionally. 

The voices were loud, but all sounds ceased as branches broke from where the woman stepped. They didn't seem to care as they came face to face with two men and two women. 

Being the men in the group, they stepped forward as the blocked off the women as a strange person walked out of a bush and into their backyard. 

''The hell are ya, mate?'' a man with bright blue eyes and blonde hair said to the (S/C) skinned woman. 

A normal person wouldn't have seemed so off to answer that question, but for some reason, her mind couldn't bring up an answer.

''I-I don't know,'' the woman stuttered. Her eyes widened at the man before she fell to her knees.

''I don't know. I don't know. Who am I?' she kept repeating as her eyes turned purple and the ground under her began to shake. 

''Let me calm her down before someone gets hurt!" a woman's voice exclaimed as whoever they were forward, placing their hands on the shaking female's shoulders. 

''Hey, hey, hey. Sweetheart doesn't matter right now. What matters is how you are. What's your name?'' the woman asked her. 

The female with now glowing purple eyes stared back at her, trying to find one hint of her name in her brain. 

The rose engraved bullet hit the man, landing a clean shot through his head. She smirked proudly as she blew the smoke off the barrel of the gun. 

She frowned, but she nodded as her mouth had opened to speak. 

''M-my name is Rose.''



𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now