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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color


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"When someone you love becomes a memory

the memory becomes a treasure.''

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''You are so annoying,'' ____ said to (Y/N). The (S/C)-skinned woman scoffed as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

''I'm annoying? I'm not least annoying one in the group,'' (Y/N) said back to her. ____, ____, and ____ sent (Y/N) sent her look. ____ and (Y/N) smiled at each other, trying not to laugh. ''Okay, I'm kind of annoying.''

''Yeah,'' a voice said from the balcony on the second floor. ''No one can be as annoying me,'' ____ said. 

As soon as his words left his mouth, a bucket of ice was flipped over, landing on (Y/N) and the female standing next to her. Both of them shrieked at the cold sensation. 

(Y/N)'s eyes turned red and yellow as she glared at ____ who seemed to run away from the woman. 


(Y/N) FLINCHED BACKWARD at the memory that flashed before her eyes in a heartbeat. She could still hear her own voice ringing in her ears. 

''You alright, dearie?" Ms. Carson asked. It had been a good 2 weeks since (Y/N) arrived at the French women's home. 

Ever since she had arrived, the more she had been getting flashbacks. It wasn't always the same people. Sometimes she would be with a larger group of people. Other times, it would be with a smaller group like the one she had seen seconds before. 

(Y/N) walked into the room Melia was in, fiddling with her fingers with her head hung low. The elderly woman who was currently knitting saw her and sighed, putting her supplies to the side. She knew that look. 

It was the 'so I might've been keeping a few things away from you' look. Melia knew it all too well. 

''Sit, child,'' Melia told her. (Y/N) did as she said. ''What's on your mind?" she asked. 

(Y/N) bit her lip. She was doing this. ''I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind?" Melia nodded. 

''Okay, one. What are these?" the (S/C)-skinned woman asked, gesturing with a slight motion to the marks on her skin. Melia stared at her blankly before she broke out into a laugh. 

''I'm sorry, dear, but how much memory did you lose?'' Mrs. Carson laughed some more before answering the question. ''Those are you soulmarks, sweetheart. Everyone has one. They signify your soulmates and how many you have. Emotions flow through them, too.''

(Y/N) thought hard for a moment. So that was why she would feel emotions that weren't really hers for most of the day? (Y/N) nodded. 

''So I have 13 soulmates?'' she said to herself even though Mrs. Carson had heard her. Maybe it was some of those people from her dreams? Like that who loved wearing purple shirts? Ooh, and that redhead. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now