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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color 


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"One old song

A thousand old memories.'''

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(Y/N) SAT IN a small chair stationed by the fireplace. The woman who seemed to know her had gone to the kitchen moments later. 

''Sorry about that,'' she said as she entered the room, two mugs in her hands. ''When you came over, you usually want some tea. I didn't expect you over to... be here,'' they said. 

(Y/N) cocked a brow and looked at the mug hesitantly as if it was poison. She eyed the woman who stood in front of her. 

The woman didn't hold any deceit in her eyes. No want to kill her in them either. No, she held a fondness in them, yet something grief-stricken as if she had lost something. 

Hesitantly, yet sure, she took a sip of the hot tea. I low moan came from her. She didn't realize how cold she was until now. 

Moving the cup from her mouth, she looked at the faded redhead was now seated in a chair right in front of her. ''So, who are you?" (Y/N) asked. They laughed. 

''Melia Carson, but no one calls me that anymore, besides you I used to visit you when you every once and a while when you and the others were living here,'' Melia said. The (S/C) skinned woman frowned. She had heard that name before. 

''Mother,'' (Y/N) greeted the elderly woman. Melia turned around. "(Y/N), darling,'' she said, coming forward to wrap the taller girl in a hug. 

''Mother?" (Y/N) asked her, eyes flickering yellow and purple for a quick second before they turned back (E/C).

"We're clearly not related,'' Melia mused, gesturing to herself and (Y/N), ''but I took care of you for about 5 years. You were only about 22 when you came down here with your friends. You gave me the name yourself,'' Melia chuckled. 

Her eyebrows furrowed again. They seemed to be doing that a lot Melia thought, making note of it. 

Melia looked at the woman she had grown to see as a daughter with a grim expression. ''You don't remember much do you, girl?'' 

Girl rang through her head. She didn't know that she knew French, but it must've been something she had learned before when she had more of her memory. Nonetheless, she nodded. 

''And what can you remember?'' Melia asked. (Y/N) fingers bore tightly against her clothes thighs at the question. ''Everything during these past two years. Anything from before, I can't remember,'' she answered honestly. 

Something about the woman in front of her screamed tranquility. If she had known the woman before and she was like this, she wouldn't want to ruin the relationship they had. 

"How about go in the spare room and get yourself into bed?" Ms. Carson said. (Y/N) internally laughed. She really did act like her mother. 

Her heart was tugged at suddenly. 

She didn't remember her mother. 

She didn't remember her home.

Her parents. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now