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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(S/C): Skin Color


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''Did you know that even from the dead you call feel someone's love for you?


Well, you do now. I love you, bitch.''

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ROSE SMILED AT the female cashier as she held the croissant in her hands. 

''Thanks, Marissa!'' Rose said, waving as she left the small cafe. The sun shined brightly, warming her (S/C) skin as she walked down the road. 

When did she leave the house? She couldn't remember. She couldn't remember the last time she was alone with her own thoughts, allowing time to pass without her noticing at all. 

That was because she was always surrounded by people. Whether it be her roommates or wild cats from parties that her... friends were hosting. There was always someone with her. 

And for some strange reason, it was always easy for her to pretend that she was happy at parties or with other people in general. As if she'd bee at more of them before these past 2 years. 

She laughed with her eyes closed, holding a glass of champagne in her left hand. The laughter continued because of what the woman said in front of her. 

As soon as they turned away and left her alone, the fake smile fell and her eyes narrowed. It was clear that the woman was scared of her, but she was only talking to her because of her relations with the team. Especially ____. 

'Jokes on her, last time I was jealous, I got laid,' she thought as she sipped on her drink. 

''I could recognize those poisonous vines growing on your head from a mile away, love,'' a smooth voice said from behind her.

Turning around, she smiled at the man. He had raven-black hair that was slicked back. Beautiful, yet piercing green eyes stared back at her. She eyed him up in down, biting her lip softly. 

''____. What do you need babe?" she asked, blushing lightly as the man plucked one of the red and green vines that sat on her head off. 

''How about we get out of here and do something that the both of us enjoy?" the man said with a smirk. 

The words he spoke went straight to her core as she accepted his hand that was held out for her, her once (E/C) eyes turned violet. 

''Of course my love.''

Rose shook her head at the sudden memory. The man was awfully familiar to her, and it was obvious that he meant something to her. 

''New York hottie of 2012?''

The words that floated around in her head got a laugh out of Rose as she continued walking down the sidewalk, taking an all bit out of her croissant as she did so. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now