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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color 

Engel: Angel



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''Tis my true form is quite odd, but blaming me is blaming God.''

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''Have you found her yet?''

''Down where those white trash rednecks are, sir.''

''Good job, agent. How about we pay our missing Angel a visit?"


THE TEAM SAT in the familiar bland conference room. It was dead silent, much to all their dislike but nothing was said or done about it. 

Flowers continued to bloom around the tower. As the sun began to rise, they seemed to bloom less, but they could feel waves of tiredness rolling off of their supposedly dead soulmate. 

''How is that even possible?" Bucky said, rubbing a hand over his face as he bounced his leg up and down. He was anxious. Hell, they all were. How would you cope with news like this?

''We don't know. We all felt her die that day. What, did God just decided that she was coming back and didn't remember to inform us until now?'' Natasha said to no one in particular. 

There were just some questions that seemed to ring inside of all their heads since what had happened last night. 

Why wasn't she here if she was alive?

There was no doubt that (Y/N) was quick. Not Quicksilver quick, but she could go from California from Georgia in 8 hours if she was just holding back. So why the hell was she not here?

Another thought was rattling up in their heads, too. It bothered them the most because they felt as if it was true. 

What if she was tired of them? 

It was clear to them since the moment they first met that she wasn't planning to get close to them. Hell, she had suppressed feelings for them for years until they all started to establish a relationship with all of them.

Who says she wouldn't do it again. 

''FRIDAY, start doing a scan for anything remotely close to (Y/N),'' Tony said to his AI before standing up and leaving the conference room.

He was going to do anything in his power to get her back. No matter what. 


A loud beeping noise sounded throughout the two-story home that Rose, along with her roommates, lived in. 

''Fucking hell,'' Rose cursed in one of her native languages. Pushing her (H/C) hair to the side, she got out of her bed. 

Opening her room door, she saw Kassandra standing there, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Looking at Rose, she saw just as confused as she herself was. 

''What the hell is going on?" Kass asked the taller woman. She shrugged her shoulders. ''I don't know,'' was all she said as she started going down the stairs, the small redhead following behind her. 

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now