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(Y/N): Your Name 

(Y/N/N): Your Nickname

(E/C): Eye Color

(S/C): Skin Color

Mica Mea Flacără: My Little Flare

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''Pain can change you but you must never let it define you.''

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TO SAY THE Avengers had gotten more protective over (Y/N) would be a tremendous understatement. 

On a normal basis, it was exhausting. As much as (Y/n) loved the attention she got from them, it was suffocating her at how confined they had her. 

When she lived with the others, they knew their boundaries, or (Y/N) would confront them on it. As much as she wanted to confront the others, she didn't know what that would do to them, so she never spoke on the matter. 

When the sun had fallen down after about 2 hours, she managed to crawl out of the hold of a cuddly assassin and archer. 

As she slipped on her boots and jacker, Natasha began to wake up, careful not to wake up the sleeping Clint beside her. ''Where are you going?" she asked, trying to rub the sleep out her eyes, but failing miserably. 

''To the roof. I'll be back in bed in a bit. You need sleep,'' she said, kissing the redhead on the cheek. Despite how tired she was, she grabbed (Y/N)'s forearm. 

''Let me come with you,'' she said quietly as she got out bed. (Y/N) frowned. ''Nat, you need-'' but Natasha silenced her with a kiss. 

''I'll go with you. Let me get my jacket and shoes,'' Natasha said, making her statement final. (Y/N) learned to not argue with her as she had twice the stubbornness that she had. 

When they got on the elevator, Natasha laid her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder before looking up at her. (Y/N) was looking straight ahead, though her eyes had a glimmer of orange in her eyes. Natasha dismissed it as she didn't recognize the emotion. 

They both moved to the edge of the roof, gazing upon the light of the city that never seemed to sleep. (Y/N) sighed and closed her eyes, causing Natasha to turn to her. 

''Are you okay, (Y/N/N)?" Natasha asked, going to intertwine their fingers, but ended up flinching back from her soulmate. 

A few black vines encased her body and pricked her skin, yet (Y/N) didn't seem to notice it all as she stared out towards the city. 

(Y/N) sighed one more time before turning to her assassin, eyes glowing a deep blue and light grey. A bad combination of emotions that often led to destruction throughout the tower. 

''Just stress, I guess? I'm tired, and not just tired, but that's the usual thing, right? I feel uncomfortable in my own skin like I suffocating a hundred times over,'' she said lowly, the grey in her getting darker. 

Despite the thorns crawling over her (S/C) skin causing small prickles of blood to come from her arms, Natasha hugged her anyway, holding her slightly. 

The woman got warmer by her redhead soulmate as she sent comfort through her body, making her collapse in her hold and the wall that held up her tears fell, but her sobs were silent. 

''Don't worry, mica mea flacără, we'll fix this. I promise.''




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