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(Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Color

(S/C): Skin Color


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''When I first saw you, it took every ounce of me to not kiss you.

When I first heard your laugh, it took every ounce of me not to marry you.

When I first met your soul, it took every ounce of me.''

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FOR SOME REASON, (Y/N)'s soulmate marks decided to burn slightly with a loud bit of emotions, jolting the woman awake.

Her black cat purred against her chest, making her sigh as she rubbed it behind the ears.

The others would always go on about how the black cat was bad luck, but it seemed so was (Y/N).

The pair got on perfectly.

''Come on, sweetheart. Today's big day for us,'' she said, smiling at the thought of being able to kill some Hydra agents.

No, she wasn't that crazy. She just thought since Hydra loved being able to inflict pain on people, so should she.

Right back onto them.

A knock came on (Y/N)'s door, snapping the cat and her head towards it.

''Hey darling. Cat,'' John greeted, walking in the door and greeting them both. The cat meowed towards the Cajun male as (Y//N) smiled.

''Hey, Johnny. What's up?'' she said, picking up the cat and placing it on her shoulder. She got out of bed to hug him.

''Nothing much. Just setting things up for tonight,'' he said, now reminding the woman that she had to wear a dress.

(H/C) hair fell from the buns they resided in as she reached towards to closet.

John leaned against the wall. ''Does that Matthew boy still have to come?'' he asked, saying the boy's name so harshly. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at his behavior.

''What do you hate him so much? He's only 18. Not like he's gonna steal me from you,'' the woman teased.

John scoffed. ''Something ain't right about that kid,'' he said.

The cat meowed, seeming angry, to John, causing the woman it rested on to let out a quiet laugh.

''See? The cat even disagrees with you. Matthew's a good kid. We were doing the same thing at his age,'' she said.

''Now get out, I need to get dressed,'' she said, making movements with her hands for the man to get out of the room.

''Nothing I haven't seen before.''


Sometimes, (Y/N)'s mind wandered so much, it would make her body feel numb and out of place.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now