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''Ever saint has a past, every sinner has a future.''

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''JOHN LETCHER WAS killed in an airport in Paris yesterday night at reportedly 4:27 pm. Our enhanced serial killer, going by the name Huntress, has made her next move here. Her powers seem to be getting strong after taking control of a police squad. She seems to be going after-''

The TV turned off abruptly off as Shuri sighed loudly. ''Oh, come on!'' she whined to her older brother.

He shook his head with a small smile behind his lips as he handed his younger sister a bowl of sugary cereal that disgusted Steve; reasons why the team had it. 

The team starting flocking into the room after coming from a terrorist attack from Hydra.

''Hey, guys!"' she said, sending a wink to her soulmate who flushed a bright red at the emotions that flowed through his mark. 

The team all mumbled their greetings as they collapsed onto the large couch, sweat filling the air. 

Cuddling together, Sam turned on the TV, showing the news that also talked more about the Huntress.

Bucky raised an eyebrow. ''John Letcher? Wasn't he a Hydra leader in one of the camps in Brazil?" he asked. 

Natasha huffed. ''You're right. We couldn't find him and we needed him alive if we did,'' she concluded angrily. 

The team hated the fact that they had not found their last soulmate and the fact that they had an enhanced murderer to worry about. 

"I bet Fury's going to call a meeting,'' Sam groaned into Steve's shoulder as he rested in between Steve and Bucky. 

''Incoming call from Nick Fury,'' Friday said over the speakers as the team groaned loudly in sync. 

''Ignore the call, but tell him we'll be there in 30 minutes,'' Tony said to FRIDAY who took the command and sent it to Fury. 

Peter frowned. ''You don't ghost Nick Fury,'' he said, having learned that the hard way with Ned being tranquilized. Tony shrugged his shoulders as he cuddled in the loveseat with Stephen. 


''I think you all know why you're here,'' Fury said to the team who were all basically brain-dead except for Steve. 

The team let out gambles of agreements. ''Can we just get to the point?" Clint said, ready to jump out of his seat leave.

Fury sent him a glare as he turned to Maria. The brunette cleared her throat as she spoke. 

''Huntress' kills have been increasing over the past 5 months. Most Hydra facilities in the UK and Germany have been completely clear, besides the rotting people in it. 

Her powers have been getting stronger though. She should be able to stop an entire army with her hand in about 3 weeks,'' she concluded. 

Steve hummed. ''Do we know what direction she's going in?' he asked. Maria shook her head. ''She could just be heading South-East but we don't know for sure,'' she said, showing the maps of where the woman had been. 

The places where the unknown woman had been were marked with the specialized mark she used customizable for each weapon she used for each murder or crime.

They knew that we woman didn't travel alone. Not for everything at least. They did know that she was the biggest danger. 

On all the other cases, they knew who the four people were such as John and Ruby and the other two the worked with. 

Huntress, however, was the only one they didn't have a legal name for and yet to discover. They covered their tracks well when it came to her so the identity was never figured out. 

All they knew was that they needed to her and stop her as soon as she could. 

No matter what the cost. 




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