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(Y/N): Your Names 

(E/C): Eye Color 


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''We have two lives. The ones we learn with and the life we live after that.''

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LIVING TWO LIVES were hard. Especially since one was as a worker at a cafe and an enhanced ''murderer".

An apron rested on (Y/N)'s hips as she swayed to a table, rest a cup of coffee and tea, along with two croissants in front of an elderly man with his wife. 

''Here's your tea and coffee. Croissants from the baker,'' she said, her pearly smile meeting her eyes. 

The elderly man and wife smiled at the woman as she served more tables and took orders. 

The bell attached to the front door rang. Two girls walked in. A brown brunette and a black-haired woman. 

''Girls,'' (Y/N) greeted. The brunette named Lola walked quickly up to her, pulling her into a tight hug. 

''How'd it go?" she asked worriedly. (Y/N) nodded smiling. ''Great,'' she answered. 

The girls smiled as they made their way to the back of the small, but popular cafe to put on their aprons. 

''Is Jason up?" Ruby asked. "Yeah, working on counting the money and how much to donate upstairs,'' the woman responded. 

Despite all the group's actions, they weren't bad people. Yeah, they did kill people, but only the worst of the worst. 

All of them wanted revenge, and all of them got it. Well, except (Y/N). I mean how could she get revenge on her soulmate?

One of them anyways. It doesn't mean it hurts less, though. 

A long time ago, (Y/N) decided that didn't want anything to do with her soulmates, no matter who they were. 

It wasn't that she hated them, in a way she loved them, but hell, she barely knew them! She didn't want them to find out who she was. 

And be disgusted.

One of the many reasons she moved was the fact that when someone found out what she was, they would always send people after her. 

So she moved to France with Jason, John, and girls. Paris was one of the most Hydra-filled countries she's seen and moved in. 

At this point, she was surprised how none of them had figured her out, but that was a good thing. 

As she went to the back room, the marks on the sides of both of her thighs ached with pain, sending her (E/C) eyes to a red frenzy. 

Frightened with the sudden emotions, she touched her thighs, sending calm and cooling emotions to them. 

The pain subsided but was still there. (Y/N) sighed at the relief as she went to grab some orders from the kitchen. 

(Y/N) was always careful when she went into melee battles or training hard with the other. She never wanted to take it too far, fear of hurting her soulmates.

''You good?" John asked and she sent him a plastered smile, but her eyes gave away the evident pain. 

''One day you'll have to meet them,'' he told her. She nodded her head. Yeah, she knew that. No one could survive not meeting their soulmate. 

But she was going to try and avoid that day for as long as possible.




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𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now