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(Y/N): Your Name 

(E/C): Eye Color 

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''Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are living to please others and not ourselves.''

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DO YOU KNOW what the most painful thing in the world is?

Some would say heartbreak, others torture, but that wasn't the case for (Y/N).

For her, the most painful thing in the world is when you're cooking bacon and hot grease decided to pop and land on your arm.

It was only the ending of a bad day for the enhanced woman as she rubbed her forearm quickly. 

Today wasn't like one of the good days with sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere. There were rude customers, loud noises.

Basically, everything she hated about human interaction.

Of course, there were some good parts about the day, but those were only very small ones.

It was when she saw happy soulmate couples walk into the cafe with their children. It always brought a smile onto her face. 

The thing about (Y/N) was that she wasn't a pure. Her parents didn't have soulmarks, meaning they weren't soulmates, but they still loved each other. 

It made (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes turn deep-sea blue as they tightened closing. She remembered some of her first memories were her being poked at because she wasn't normal. 

Apparently, being the first thing to have more than 2 soulmarks made you an apparent guinea pig to doctors.

Although she hated the doctors, some people, and places, she loved America. The food, cultures. France always seemed to be better, though, despite being filled with Hydra. 

Back to the part about not being pure. This made her blood also not... normal. There was a reason soulmates were created for each other. 

It's very rare for a person to reach the age of 2-years old and not develop soulmarks, but that was the outcome for her parents. 

Regardless. (Y/N) loved them, they loved (Y/N), they loved each other, and they were a happy family. 


The past tense word were always got to her. It brought back too many unwanted memories. 

A tear the woman didn't notice fell. When she noticed this one, the gates opened as she flowed down her face faster. 

Sobs escaped finally as she already felt part of her start to lose control. 

Her wings snapped into human view, the wings falling to the floor along with feathers. 

The walls started losing color as if they were melting as objects began to float or break. The floor started to become spikes around her in a circle as sobs shook her body. 

Suddenly, she felt as if she couldn't breathe. (Y/N) tried to look around, but her eyesight was blurred by her tears.

Then, comfort ran through her body on her soulmarks as she drew in a large breath.

The tears didn't stop though, but she was glad her soulmates helped her anyways. 

(Y/N) didn't have anxiety attacks often, but when stress and the world decided to attack her at the same time, she had to let it out. 

The floor, objects, and walls began to turn back to normal as she calmed down, her sobs turning into small sniffles. 

(Y/N) didn't say a lot of nice things about herself, but today, she had to admit:

She was broken, and she knew she couldn't heal herself. 




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𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, avengersWhere stories live. Discover now