[ F i r s t D a y O f S c h o o l ]

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"Hi! Would you like to participate in a vote that's going around the school now!?" The blonde asks excitedly.

He had been drawing countless students to their booth. At the booth, his red-haired friend waited and attended with a bright smile.

Most of the school were completely on board for their proposal, as well as a few of their school's coaches. So far, two teachers had stepped up to help them with their proposal.

Everything was nice and calm... Nice and controlled...
But Kaminari catches a glimpse of a new crowd of students stepping up.

"Uh... Kiri, dude-" He begins in a hushed tone.
"Bro-! What are you doing, go back to interesting people to the booth-!"
"No, bro-- They're here."

The boy's scolding posture loosens and his eyes begin to scan the campus- He sees three familiar boys, and he begins to sweat nervously.

"Th-That's fine... Everyone is welcome--" He states.
"They're headed over here-?!" The blonde boy whisper shouts nervously.
"Just-! Just act calm, damn it-!"

This school is split up into various categories... You were usually put in to one as soon as the first week ended.

There were the "Studious ones", the "Sporty ones", the "Quiet ones", the "Soft ones", and "The jocks."

Some students fell into multiple categories, but it was rare.
One day, most specifically last week, the sporty kids had gathered with the quiet kids to come up with a poll.

"How Would You Feel If The School Opened
To Represent The Boys' Sports teams???"



-I Don't Care!-

The poll quickly made it to the school's newspapers, announcements and soon, the small supportive community would strive to get the poll to the news' headlines.
It was a big deal! It wasn't ever school that gave their students that much freedom to express themselves.

"Would you look at that! It's the first day of school and the nerds are already trying to take a spotlight!"
"Monoma... Glad to see you made it--"
"And he's trying to make small talk too! How embarrassing!"

The tallest laughs out loud, as the two others stand emotionless. One of them looked down, the other seemed to be too tired to even care.

The tallest looks up at the booth's big sign, faking an interested gaze.

"Wow! How colorful! Could have put the rainbow in there too, to really show that gay pride, huh?!"

He bursts out into more laughter.

"Hey, dude, get lost. Honestly, is this what you plan on doing every year?" A new face approaches. He slicks back his long, black hair out of his eyes and crosses his arms. He gives his two partners a confident glance. "They're literally not bothering you-- No one was bothering you?"
"Oh, you made it too?! How delightful! I'm sure our leader would LOVE SHOVING YOU INTO A LOCKER AGAIN, REMEMBER THAT FROM LAST YEAR-?!"

One of the quiet two finally acts.
He shoves the tallest one roughly, his eyebrows were now furrowed and he seemed annoyed.

"Just shut up for a full minute! Is that possible for you?!" He bursts. "Listen, I don't care if you're wasting your time, but you're wasting mine. Keep piling up my lack of patience and we'll see those pretty blue eyes be poked out by my own fingers." He growls lowly.

The three freeze, a cold shiver runs down their spine from the coldness of his voice.

"Oh, Todoroki! Come on, don't be a softie! They're begging to be picked on-!"
"Say another word... I hear that voice of your one more time, and it won't be your daddy beating you up, I'll take the fucking role."

They were.

"Hey. Cut it out, you two. You guys can't go a full day without fighting like two little kids." The other finally speaks. "And he was right when he said you're wasting our time. I'm heading back inside."

"Uh... Kirishima, right?" A shy voice begins.

The redhead turns around with arched eyebrows, and an already widened smile.

"Hey bro! Nice to meet you, you also in class 1A?"
"Y-Yeah-!" He stutters nervously. "Nice to meet you too...! I-I'm Midoriya Izuku..."

He tenses up as if he had forgotten to do something, before bowing respectfully. He stays in the position for two long seconds before rising back up.

"Oh, bro, save the manners... We're all teenagers here." He chuckles sympathetically.
"O-Okay-! Uhm... I wanted to ask you... I-Is your poll still open...?"

His eyes light up excitedly.

"It sure is, bro!"
"C-Can I vote?"
"Of course! Lemme go get the papers from Kami, and I'll be with you in a short second!"

The class fills with multiple chattering. The teacher was late, meaning the class was an unorganized mess- Students sat on random desks, their feet were over chairs, and bags were thrown in the middle of rows.

But everyone's first-day-of-school excitement does down once he walks in.

Not the teacher,
Someone worse.

"Nooo... Don't tell me he's in this class too...!" One of the boys whines.
"He looks scary-" A brown-haired girl comments.

Without a word, the boy marches towards his desk. His glare was cold and shaded, his presence alone was enough to make clear that he was one to intimidate.

He felt all eyes on him, but he didn't care. He simply whips out his phone, throws his feet over his desk and zoned himself out from the class.
Possibly, for the best.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now