[ D i r t y S c h e m e ]

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[ K i r i s h i m a ]

This wasn't part of the plan... this wasn't part of anyone's plan.
Where is he... god damn it, I should've made sure he was fine before the game started...

Stupid... stupid...!

[ t h i r d p e r s o n ]

The cheerleaders are finishing with their dance already...

And the football team still haven't found their leader.

"Check the lockers again! He's gotta be in the locker room somewhere!" Dakota shouts.
"Dude-- I fucking told you, I flipped the place upside down, he's NOT fucking in there!" Natsuo grits. "You! Icyhot! Go check the bathrooms!"
"I'll go check the restrooms once you learn how to say my name, idiot."

They freeze at the salty comment.

"Listen, you salty asshole, dunno if you noticed, but we got a game!? Like, NOW?! As soon as the pansies finish their dancing, we're up-!"
"Don't call them that. They could beat your pathetic ass if they wanted to-" Todoroki growls.
"Don't pick a fight with me, kid, you don't wanna play with a broken rib-" Natsuo responds.

"GUYS." Dakota steps in. "SHUT UP. FIND BAKUGO."

As Natsuo jogs out of the room with Dakota, Todoroki looks down, heavy in thought.
He's considering in calling Kirishima... to ask for his help.

But Kirishima is already performing with the others... his phone isn't on him, not that it would even matter at this point.
They... practically have nothing to do. Aside from going out without their leader.


[ K i r i s h i m a ]

When the team was called out... I could already tell that Katsuki wasn't with them.
God damn it, I'm worried...

I saw Natsuo run up to their coach and whisper something to him... seeing the coach's expression fall just sent daggers through my heart.

I turn around and face the team... I see Todoroki looking at me, trying to get my attention.
I can't hear him if he speaks up,- we're too far apart...

What the hell is happening... why now...

His gaze switched from me, to Aoyama, who was closest to the team. Then Aoyama leaned to Ojiro... who passed down whatever Todoroki whispered to him to Sero.
And Sero finally leans to me... wearing this worried expression... and whispers,

"Bakugo is missing."

My heart. Just sinks.

"You can't be serious." I whisper back.

Sero shrugs. I look back up at Todoroki, who's speaking with their coach and looking back at me at the same time.
I see Aizawa glaring at us... silently telling us to stay in place-

But I can't.
Something's wrong, I can't ignore it.

"Sorry guys... I need to help." I speak up.

I build up courage to let my team down... and run out.
The crowd picks up in volume, muttering and loudly asking what happened when I ran back inside... but I ignore them for now.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now