[ N e w D o r m s ]

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It was an exciting day-
The class stood outside of the large two buildings. After today, this would be their homes.
They got a rundown of where everything was, and were left alone to settle in- The building would soon be occupied by twenty-one students.

A small group huddled up in the brand new common area, talking nothing more but appreciation of their new roommates, and home, for the next few years.

Ones sat on the couch, others either stood around or sat on the floor.
While others headed up to their dorm rooms to finish setting up, or to rest.

Kirishima was stoked that Todoroki had decided to stay back, and get to know everyone.

"I'm actually super excited that we get to live with friends-- Like, all of you are so nice- I'm so happy." The brunette spoke. "Oh my god. I can sense COUNTLESS sleepovers and parties." She giggles.
"Brooo... Why are you right though." Kirishima chuckles.

Todoroki mostly stayed quiet. And by mostly, this means entirely.
He knew the students looked at him often- Specifically a small group that he had run into before, but another student was added as well.

"Okay so-- I know talking about new homes and roommates is exciting but-?! Can I just ask about everyone's hairs?! You all look so good?!" Yaoyorozu speaks up. Her hands were folded together over her chest, her eyes owned a million sparkles.

"Like-- Ash, right?! I love your hair! It's so pink and bold-!"
"Ahhh thank you! I love your hair! Oh my god! Can I braid it sometime?!"

"Girls..." Sero sighs jokingly, earning soft laughter from the group.
"And- Todoroki, right? I love your hair as well..! And your eyes are so cool-! What's your hair's natural color?"

The boy looked off to the side in a hesitant manner.

"Brown... But.. I hate my brown hair.. And eyes..."
"Woah--?! Honestly, hold on. I can see you with brown hair- And you would actually look so good as well-?" She continues.

Todoroki brings a hand up to his own hair, fixing the bangs quietly.

"Hm.. Thank you... I guess...-"
"And,- I've never seen someone with your hair type dye it bright green-- Midoriya, right-?"


The girls head off to talk about what they called 'girl talk'. The boys stayed back,- Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

Todoroki seemed to be zoned out from everything, and the trio noticed how Midoriya seemed to state at Todoroki at lot.

Until, Todoroki finally snapped.

"Alright-- I get it that my scar isn't the prettiest to fucking look at, but you don't have to stare at it until it makes me self conscious."
"S-! Sorry-! I'm not staring at your scar, I swear-! I... I'm just wondering why you're so quiet-!"
"Wonder about yours-"
"Yo, Todoroki... Can.. I ask you a question...?" Kirishima breaks them up.

Sero and Kaminari grow nervous again.

"You already asked one."
"Right- You know what I mean.."
Todoroki sighs. "What is it..."
"Are... You friends with... That blonde kid? Bakugou, his name is.. Right?"
"I don't have 'friends'. And I'm not here to 'make friends'." He responds coldly.

The room falls silent.

"Speaking of Bakugou. Where is he?"

He heard roaring laughter coming from downstairs.
He paced around his dorm aimlessly, waiting for Nayto to give him a call.
They were planning on sneaking out to see Koji. But Nayto was taking longer than planned.

After twenty minutes later, his phone finally rings.

"Got it?" He asks. "After twenty fucking years-?"
"Fuck you-!" He laughed. "There's a shit ton of teachers. We're outside already, you can come down."

He hangs up, and steps out of his dorm room.

He walked carelessly until he reached the last flight of stairs before the main floor.

He heard something that peeked his interest, he slowed down and crouched.

"-he seems like a nice guy...-!"
"What-?! Bakugou looks like a good guy-?!" Sero pitches in. "Dude- One glare, and a lion could drop dead-!"
"He's just... Probably... Anxious.. To be honest this is all really new- He's probably shy-!"

The voice was familiar... But he couldn't match a face to the voice.

"Kiri, you're too innocent and sweet-" Anothet familiar voice comments with a sigh.

Bakugou's eyebrows furrow, his eyes squint.
Why was he not scared of him? Like all the others?
Everyone else seemed to get the message-!
'Don't mess with Bakugou Katsuki' seemed to be the underlying message here-!

"I'd be careful if I were you." He hears Todoroki suddenly speaks up.
"Bakugou is competitive... He's never afraid to confront someone head-on. Specially you, since you are now a leader of something... He's not a people's person... Honestly like myself."

A moment of silence settles, until the first familiar voice spoke up again.

"I-...I'm sure I'll get him to turn around eventually...-?"
He sounded a bit hesitant.

"Kirishima. You look like a nice, sweet guy-- But... I've known Bakugou for a while now. You don't want to mess with him. Take my word for it- For your safety-" Todoroki insists.
"You guys are acting like he's like A-- Freaking serial killer-- He can't be that bad, come on-- Where is he?"

There was another pause.

"I hope I don't see you in a hospital bed, Kirishima."

The phrase sounded flat.

"Is he down here-?"
"Once again, he is at his dorm room. He's not feeling well--"

They stop as they hear something fall down the stairs, and quick patter of feet.

Bakugou had dropped his phone down the stairs, and the loud noise made him bolt back to his dorm.
He could retrieve his phone later- He just couldn't be caught listening in to their conversations.
He left mostly confused. The boy was almost insistent in trying to meet him... But why?
Was he just... Always like that?

'What the fuck is wrong with that kid?'

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now