[ S e c o n d D a t e ]

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Bakugo had the choice of choosing their date location, like said before.
He's been cracking his head open online, to find good ideas for a second date...
And the small conclusion came to a park,-
But not just any park.

At night, at around 7:00, there would be a lights attraction.

And this time, he's a bit nervous... but mostly excited.
The first date went great, in his opinion.
He's just a bit nervous because of...
'His new self'.
How well is Kirishima going to like Bakugo's 'new self'?

"Soooo,- is where we're going a surprise?"
"Do you want it to be?"
"No...-- I wanna know-!"
"Well now it's a surprise."
"Wh-! C'mon, Baku-!"

Kirishima giggles. "What, you don't like nicknames?"
"Never had one."

Kirishima's head cocks to the side and his eyebrows furrow slightly.

'Doesn't that other 'Natsuo' call him 'Kats'?'

"Whaaat-?! I have so many-!" Kirishima claims. "'Kiri', 'Eiji',-... Well I have two-" he chuckles.

Bakugo breaks a little smile.

"Can I call give you a nickname?" Kirishima asks.
Bakugo shrugs, "Sure..."

'Oh my God. This is golden-- perfect opportunity to flirt-'
'Nah I'm not brave enough-'

"I mean, you literally can have nicknames similar to mine-" Kirishima smiles. "'Baku' and 'Katsu'." He lists. "But I'm sure I heard someone call you 'Kats' before-"
"D-... Don't you wanna know what the place is-...?!"


"Oh my god. How did you know."

Bakugo swallows dryly.
That alone, just made him extremely nervous.

"This used to be my FAVORITE place to go when I was little... God, it's been so long! Last time I came here was with my mom and dad,- I was like, what, six-?!"

He jumps excitedly and looks at Bakugo with sparkling eyes.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here-!"
"Of-... Y-Yeah, of course I knew that. S'why I brought you here." Bakugo lies, shrugging and trying to keep nonchalance.

Kirishima laughs out in joy.

'He's pretty when he's happy...'
'Meaning he's pretty all the fucking time-'
'Damn, what an angel... I still can't believe someone like him is giving me a chance...'

"U-Uhm...- S-So-! We're gonna walk for a bit, then get some warm desserts and... stay here until 7:00..." Bakugo begins. He clears his throat to recompose his fluster, and to out on his confident-side.
"Sounds great! Let's do it!"

They weren't ready.

Walking laps around the park calmly, the two carry out countless conversations.
Today was the day Kirishima heard a genuine, and LONG laugh from Bakugo... and he keeps yearning more of it.
His favorite song... by far.

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