[ S h o c k ]

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"Ahh!" Ash begins. "Saturday morning!" 

She sits on the kitchen table closest to the kitchen, in which happened to be the one Kirishima sat on. He slowly and unnoticeably pushes his chair back, backing away ever so slowly. The girl looks down at him with a smile so wide, her eyes crinkle shut.

"So, Kiri-kun! Any plans for today-?"

The busy kitchen and dining area is once buzzing with chatter... until he walks in.
His head is lowered and his hands are, once again, stuffed deep in his pockets. He's wearing a hoodie with his hood up, covering his head and somewhat part of his eyes as well.
Everyone falls quieter, or silent.

Kirishima's eyes sparkle.

He grabs a smoothie from the fridge, and slows down ever-so-unnoticeably as he passes by Kirishima. He lifts his head lightly, and cocks an eyebrow towards Kirishima.

Kirishima could have sworn he saw Bakugo's corner of his lips being tugged into a light smirk.

Only until Bakugo stepped out of the dining area, Kirishima breaks free from his daze.

"Yo, Bakugo-! Wait up-!"

Ash watches with a pout as Kirishima quickly leaves the table and starts up to Bakugo. The dining area all falls in shock. They begin to whisper-shout terrified 'what is he doing's and 'is he insane?!'s.

While the whisper-shouting is left behind, Kirishima jogs up behind Bakugo. 

"Good morning!" He chirps. "Heading out-?"
"Mhm. Morning jog."
"Ooh, so that's where you go every weekend morning..." Kirishima nods understandingly. "Can I come along-?"
"Eh. If you can keep up."

That is a challenge Kirishima is willing to take.

"Challenge accepted-!"
"S'Not a challenge if you been practicing for your dancin'."
"For my sports! Right, you're right-" Kirishima smirks. 

Bakugo sighs playfully as he opens the door, suppressing back a small chuckle that threatened to slip out.

"Ohh yeah. I'm bringing that back- I still want a fair win with that argument-!" Kirishima pushes, feeling playful.

The class all stare with widened eyes. 
Todoroki and Sero simply shakes their head.

The two jog laps around the school campus. 
Kirishima uses the time to talk with Bakugo as much as possible.

Bakugo can only notice what he feels... all new feelings, to add it up.

He's not annoyed by how much Kirishima talks. 
He's happy to hear his voice.
He's cherishing the morning he's having with the boy.
And hell, is he impressed at how well Kirishima is being able to keep his breathing regulated, jog at the same pace as him, and continuously talk all at the same.

He's extremely fit, he will give him that.

"God DAMN you don't stop talking!" Bakugo claims.
The tone wasn't harsh. It wasn't annoyed, it was extremely surprised.
"I know! I get that a lot. I'm very energetic."


"Oh, wanna bet? Let's race. Whoever finishes two laps and reaches the front gates of the school wins."
"Oooh, I love a good challenge." Kirishima grins. "What's the prize?"
"Bragging rights."
"That is if you win."

Bakugo suddenly takes off, looking back and laughing curtly.



The two are breaking a sweat. Bakugo is leaned against the wall, breathing a bit heavier than normal but not looking nearly as exhausted as Kirishima. Kirishima falls down to his knees but is holding up a victorious fist. He's heaving heavily, but still keeps his grin on his face.

"G-Give me a moment-!" He laughs.
"You cheated..." Bakugo jokingly spits. "I won't accept this defeat..."
"Too bad-!" Kirishima laughs. "I'm savoring this victory-!"
"You sure? You sure you're not 'savoring' that sweat-?"
"Nope! It's...!" he slowly drags himself up to his feet. "Yeah it's probably the sweat--"

Bakugo laughs.
Kirishima's 'dying' ceases.

"Oh what fucking ever..." Bakugo sighs, laughing again. "you exhausted and dying of heat is funny."
"Wha- hey-!"

Bakugo begins to walk forward again, and Kirishima insists on keeping up with him.

"Oi," Bakugo begins. "Heads up."

Kirishima catches an ice-cold waterbottle that Bakugo tosses him. He smiles at him gratefully and cracks it open.

"Yo, Kiri!" Kaminari begins from the common area. "Have you heard? The world's ending!"
"Pfft...- Ohhh no! Why?!" Kirishima acts in a mocking tone.
"Bakugo is acting way too calm, it's not normal! The skies are splitting-!" Kaminari continues.
"Yo, shitty mustard hair! Have you heard? The class will be holding a funeral later!" Bakugo interrupts. "Wanna know why? Cuz shitty fucking obnoxious hair wouldn't shut the fuck up!"
"Oh wait, the world's back to normal again!" Kaminari claims. He gets a few 'shh's from a few daring classmates, who flashed him terrified, widened eyes.
"Hey, don't say stuff like that... he's my friend..." Kirishima sighs. 

The class all fall silent to hear Bakugo's response.

"I'm not an expert but..." Bakugo leans back smugly against the fridge, opening his waterbottle. "Shouldn't real friends support you? On everything?"

Kirishima's eyes widen.
From the common area, Sero's eyes widen as well. His eyebrows furrow ever-so-slightly.

Bakugo takes a long chug of his water as Kirishima stares at him silently.

"Cool." Bakugo shrugs. 

"Bakugo Katsuki." Someone suddenly begins.

Kirishima's heart drops in fear.

"If you hurt that boy. All the years of build-up you've made me go through will be unleashed by pure violence onto you." He threatens.
"Get back to your fucking corner, Fuck-Oroki." Bakugo snarls. 


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