[ " W a s T h i s A D a t e ? " ]

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Under-dressed... Over-dressed...
What to even fucking wear...

I've never fucking struggled with what to wear.
Ugh, why does he have this affect on me-?! 

Is he freaking out about what to wear too!?

It's just a fucking movie... I shouldn't be fucking falling apart like this.
And the movie is not until fucking TWO HOURS FROM NOW-

<Third Person>

Bakugo would feel ashamed to admit how nervous he was for this.
He's actually hoping that he won't mess anything up.

He actually dressed himself up.
He put on cologne. He styled his hair. 

No big deal, it only took him an hour and a half.

He looks down at his watch to find he has twenty minutes left until...

'The date? It's a date, right? I fucking asked if it was a date and he got all winded about it--'
'Should I go downstairs and wait there-- Is he downstairs-? Maybe we can go earlier if I go downstairs-'
'More time staying with him if I go downstairs now, right-?'
'My mind's fucking racing so fast I feel dizzy...'

He decides to head downstairs. 
And to his delight, Kirishima is sitting in the common area, checking something on his phone.

"Pfft... How long have you been waiting for-"

He shoves his phone back inside his pocket and stands up, brushing off his clothes.

"Not so long-!" He smiles nervously. "Y-You look great-"
"Eh. Casual." He shrugs.

'FUCK why am I happy he likes the outfit--'

The two fall silent.

"S-So-! Wanna go now-?!" Kirishima asks.

He steps up to Kirishima and lightly bumps their shoulders together.

"Loosen up, dumb hair... I don't fuckin' bite."
"W-Well..." Kirishima begins, sucking air through his teeth.
"Heh, alright-- I won't bite you." 

He looks back at Kirishima with half-lidded eyes. "Better?"
Kirishima tenses up again. 
"C'mon, let's just kill time."

The two are nervous, flustered disasters.
But Bakugo is a little less of a nervous, flustered disaster.

Enough to crack a few smug comments, and to keep smooth conversations going.
They grabbed lunch, and headed to the movies--
But while they grabbed lunch, the two learn a lot more about each other.

They learn about the other person... 'Outside-of-school-wise'

"Do you work out?" Bakugo asks.

'Why does everything I fucking ask sound flirty--'
'God I need to stop-'

Kirishima exhales a flattered chuckle and raises his arms, flexing. "Well, can't get these babies naturally, can you?"

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