[ L i f e M o v e s O n ]

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And life moved on... unbothered.

I've always noticed how upon solving a problem... your life goes by faster. As if that problem weighed down the process of your life progress.

Though it was fast, I still wouldn't trade it for the world.
And Katsuki's taught me that I shouldn't wish for it all back, too. Making new memories is so much better than reliving old ones. 

Dad really did leave that while back, for America, but only after mom went.. to jail... Well, not jail-- not yet. She was put in a cell to await a trial case she was given rights to. He's been away ever since.

I was really, really upset that I couldn't go visit my dad one last time, at the airport, before his plane departed. 
But... Kats actually made me feel a bit better... of course...

Dad's departure was late, super late into the night. Or, I guess, super early in the morning. And Katsuki proposed that we stayed up until then, hanging out in my room, and on the balcony. 

We talked, ate, cuddled... I showed him some of my favorite movies, and he even taught me a little game he and Koji used to play, as younger kids. 
He had a really cute idea to bring me out to the balcony a few minutes after his plane was supposed to have taken flight. He'd walked me out, and in that soft voice of his, told me, "wave bye, like he's lookin' down at you through that little airplane window," 

And it was hilarious how at the end of it all, we saw a plane fly above the building. I joked about how it was dad's, and ran back out to the airplane, to shout "Bye dad! Have a safe flight!!"

That night,-- or morning-- I was actually the first one to fall asleep ever since for a long while.
And I was kinda in that state where my body was sleeping, and my mind was awake, and aware.

And Kats is still the same. He talks to me, even if I'm asleep... I'm a hundred percent sure he does. He's not aware I fall asleep like that, most nights, but, he still does it.

He plays with my hair, kisses my neck, hugs me in different ways... all while being busy with something else.
His insomnia's picked up a bit again, ever since the school's year's been closing up.
Graduation's apparently taking a huge toll on him... he spends most of his nights working, researching, killing time, or, as he calls it; "spending more time with you".

I caught him just being his cute, distracted self... mumbling both to himself, and to me, despite me being asleep. "Asleep"?-

"Okay-... gotta try, at least, to sleep..." he'd mumbled, "I'll end up wakin' you up,"

And he'd set aside his laptop, and just.. melted my heart...

He slowed down all movement, and just.. as gently as he could, he slid his hands up my waist and stomach, and chest. And his lips pressed against my upper back, until he reached my neck. 

"Good night, good night, good night..." he whispered, to then kiss me behind my ear. 

And he nuzzles against me... and despite him still being awake, he still laid there, trying to fall asleep.
I feel bad... I really do. Countless times, I've considered staying up with him, to keep him company. But, he says he wants me to sleep.
To "sleep for the both of them". Which... I still think doesn't count, but, if he wants it that way...

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now