[ H e l p ]

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"You guys know Midoriya, right?" Kirishima begins calmly.
"Yeeesss?" Sero responds playfully.
"Yeah, he's gonna be hanging out with us today."

Sero stares at the boy quietly.
"Got... Something you wanna say-?"
"Wha-? Oh, no no-! He's... Just a friend. He asked to hang out, not me-... He thinks we're pretty cool dudes, he just wants to get to know us."
"Okay..." Sero nods understandably. "When is he coming?"
"We're just gonna stay in the common area downstairs. He's out right now, he's just gonna hang with us when he gets back."
"Oh, sweet. I'll text Kam then."
"Cool- Thanks bro."

Upon arriving, smiling and laughing amongst the three, they stumble upon two others that stayed at the common area.
Even though from above the stairs, they could already hear one of them...

Todoroki, someone Kirishima had been growing a protective side for, was getting yelled at by someone he had barely seen around.

'That must be Bakugou...'

"Uhhh bro.. Maybe we should hang outside-" Sero whispers.
"Yeeaaahh let's go--"

"The FUCK are you three looking at?! Just gonna stand there and stare!?" He suddenly barks.
"Alright- That's enough. They weren't doing anything, you stressed out bitch-" Todoroki finally snaps.
"You wanna fucking say that louder, you cunt?"

Kirishima takes a step forward. Sero and Kaminari immediately grab both of his arms and tug him back.
But, that was too late. The angered blonde had noticed.

"Oh?! The fuck was that,-- Tryina show teeth, shitty haired loser-?!"
"Get out." Todoroki growls.
"Tell me what do to again I FUCKING DARE YOU-"

Todoroki swings his fist towards Bakugou, hitting him on the left eye. Bakugou swings as well, hitting him on the throat. But he swings again, hitting him on the nose.

"QUIT THAT- WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU-?!" Kirishima intervenes.

A twitch in Bakugou's eyes shows Todoroki something extremely bad was bound to happen. He stands up, confronting Bakugou.


The outburst got Bakugou. He growled under his breath, hands tingled with the want to wrap around his throat. Todoroki's nose had begun to bleed, Bakugou's eyebrow had an open gash.

Bakugou swung again, chopping at Todoroki's throat and cutting his air vents. He shoves him back roughly as he choked for air.

"You're gonna fucking regret that. Say goodbye to your pathetic little life tomorrow..." He growled.

He storms out, slamming the building's main door at such force, the glass windows vibrate.

Kirishima immediately breaks free from his friends' grips and runs up to the struggling boy.

"Why would you do that-?! A-Are you okay?! H-Here, get up-!"

He guides Todoroki back to the couch, sitting him down. Todoroki lays back, clutching at his throat as he tries to recompose himself.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now