[ D a r k T r u t h ]

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Kirishima has called Sero and Kaminari to his dorm.
He's not too aware of how thin the walls are... any conversation he carries out can be heard as a muffled voice.

Sero and Kaminari don't... act the same around Kirishima. And Kirishima begs that this, one day, could be fixed.

He tells them to sit down... and begins.

"How have you guys been...?" He begins. "It's been a while since we've hung out... just three of us, as pals..."

Sero looks down, and Kaminari looks away.

"I miss that... honestly." Kaminari mumbles.

Sero feels heartbreak threatening to happen. He throws his hand down in defeat and sighs quietly.

"How have you been?" He asks. "You know... with..."
Kirishima looks away nervously. "It's... what I called you guys here for. I wanna... I wanna talk about it. With you guys." He claims. "Cuz... you guys are like brothers to me..." 

Kaminari and Sero exchange looks, before looking back at him.
Both of them look nervous... afraid... curious...
But glad.

"I... thought about how you guys said you were worried... And I wanna fill you guys in...!"

He knew that this is how he's going to bring the three back together.

"S-...So-? How's.. it been-?" Sero begins.
"Wait." Kaminari mumbles. "Before you actually get into that... can we... talk about something? That actually... hurt me?"

Kirishima swallows dryly.

"Y-Yeah bro... of course-"
"Why didn't... you tell me... you're gay..." Kaminari asks quietly. "I thought we were close...- You told Sero, but not me...- It... It kinda makes me think I'm not part of the group-"
"N-No, dude-! You are! I-... I honestly didn't...-" Kirishima begins. He sighs. "Look, I... I don't know why I didn't..." he confesses. "And I'm extremely sorry..." 

Kaminari hesitates.

"It's... okay..." he whispers. "I... Accept the apology."
"Thank you...- I,- I really mean it..." 

Kaminari nods quietly.

"But... yeah,- I mean, what Sero asked... You're...- You went on a date with Bakugo?" Kaminari asks hesitantly.
"Okay-... I know. You guys don't really... support it." Kirishima mumbles. "But... We went on a second date today."

Sero lowers his head more.

"It-... It went amazing- Bakugo, he... he's a completely... different person... of what everyone sees."

The two listen quietly.

"He... he took me out on a walk... we got hot chocolate...- Sero, he brought me to our childhood park..."

Sero stays still.
His eyes... are starting to water.

"B-But-- I swear... he's just misunderstood."
"I heard he has PTSD." Kaminari comments. "Kiri, if that's the case...- You gotta be careful, dude... it's not... really a safe thing to play around on--"
"He's different." Kirishima claims. "He can control it... so well... around me-- A-And I'm not stupid! I know... he could break at any moment... I- I saw it already... but he's not... violent around me. When he did break, he..." his voice falls quieter. "He cried..." 

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