[ C r a s h A n d T r i g g e r s ]

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Koji fits right in. The girls are all infatuated with her style; her hair, outfit, eyes...
She's a sweetheart, and gets the chance to share at least one bit of conversation with every girl. Her heart grows to see how sweet they are, how accepting they seem to be... how excited they are to see someone new roaming around their current home-

Koji finds it almost perfect how the girl she's walked into the common area for seems to be the most excited and interested in her. She's talkative and energetic, which Koji loves and finds endearing immediately, but there's one thing she spots right away.

She seems sweet. She seems innocent. She can read it, she doesn't mean any true harm.
She knows tonight is going to be easy.

"Ash! Wanna step out with me for a bit? I wanna chat!" She chirps sweetly, "girl to girl," she chuckled happily. She's delighted to have the girl agree immediately.

She loves her presence already, same thing for Ash. Then again, their personalities are extremely compatible; they're both extremely outgoing, and they get along with anyone, easily as well.

They sit outside, against the building's wall on the porch. Koji slides into the topic smoothly but slowly, in order not to upset or startle Ash.

"Are you close with everyone in the dorms?" Koji asks sweetly.
"I'd like to say so, yeah!-- Of course, there's the quiet kids... I don't talk to Shoji or Tokoyami much... Todoroki, Mineta-- he's... not even one to talk to," she rolled her eyes at the end, there, "and... some people I don't see around, often..." she mumbled, "Natsuo, I think his name is, and... Kirishima... Bakugo," it's obvious she stopped herself from rolling her eyes once again, "I don't think I'd want to talk to Bakugo anyway. He seems way too salty, all the time."

"Oh... well, Bakugo and I are actually super close," she confesses in an easy tone, "he's like my big brother..." she chuckled, "trust my word, he's really got a reason to be the way he is... sometimes he can't really help it," she claims with a light shrug, "he's been through a lot up until now..."

Her eyes widen a bit, "oh wow--! S-Sorry if I said anything offensive--?!"
"Nooo..." she chuckled, placing a soft hand on the girl's shoulder, "you're fine, I'm just saying, it's good to give everyone a second chance... especially if you don't know their backgrounds,"

She nods understandingly. "He wouldn't like me either, though."
"Oh, why do you think so? You're a pretty 'likeable' girl," she giggled, nudging her on the shoulder. She chuckles as well, but shakes her head, and falls forward, with her elbows on her knees.

"I saw something that kind of upset me..." she mumbled in a hurt tone, "he was harsh about it, too... dunno, he seemed really rude...-"
"Can I ask what happened?" She asked softly, "if I'm not intruding,"
She sighed. "I have a crush..." she mumbled, "and... we had a holiday party about a few months back. Bakugo kissed him." She paused. She seems hurt... "I don't even know if Kirishima consented to it- like, I'd be super upset if Bakugo's hurting him-- what if it made him super uncomfortable- Bakugo's always like that around him too, he gets all rude and protective over him...-- I'd really love to get closer to Kirishima, he seems like such a sweet guy, but,- Sorry if it offends you--? But-? Bakugo's so rude..." she whined.

Koji nodded slowly.

"Would you be against it, if Kirishima liked guys?"
"N-No-! Of course not-" she sighed heavily, "it's--... what, is he gay?" She asked in a heavy tone.

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