[ E a r l y D i s m i s s a l ]

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With about thirty minutes left of class, the football team is dismissed from class. This time, the cheerleading team had been dismissed as well.

The leaders walk them to their main field. There, after about ten minutes, their coaches walk up as well.

Bakugo couldn't keep his eyes off Kirishima throughout practice.
Admiration, attentiveness, and care is all he feels.

"Are we really sticking with the backflips here? Kirishima hurt himself pretty badly last time...-" Ojiro mumbles.
"I'm sure I can do it-! It was totally my fault last time, I landed wrong." Kirishima defends the cause.
"Okay-- can you do a backflip? To see if you can stand it-?"
"Wait wait wait,- bro, once you sprain something, it's never the same again-- bro, are you sure you wanna do this-?" Kaminari steps in.

"Yo, Kats-! Quit giving the cheerleaders love-eyes and come train--"
"Natsuo I'm going to fucking murder you.-- BACK TO YOUR SPOTS. ALL OF YOU."

Bakugo's shouting causes the cheerleaders the look their way.
Kirishima's heart is swelling.

'Manly... TOO manly...-'

"Bro?" TetsuTetsu wakes him back up.
"O-Oh yeah-?" He stammers. "Sorry-! Uhh... right, backflips! Uh, let's see..."

Now, it's Kirishima's turn to steal Bakugo's attention.

Bakugo watches as Kirishima prepares himself for a backflip.

Kirishima lands it, but seems a bit tense about it.

"Woooah-- yeah, no bro. Why'd you tense your body up like that-!" Sero comments.
"Ughh- I don't know-- I wasn't ready-- wait, let me try again--"
"Kirishima, I don't want to see any broken bones." Aoyama comments, shrugging his shoulders in slight cringe at the thought.


Bakugo immediately whips his hand out, hitting whoever had shouted at him across the face.
Natsuo stumbles back slightly.

"Ow, you fucking jerk-!"

He steps up to the middle of the field, now taking full charge.

"Why-? Then we'd have half a court--" Monoma comments.
"Wanna fucking talk back to me, rabies-boy? Move your lazy ass! Come on! Let's go!"

Bakugo and Kirishima step back, watching their teams follow their instructions.
Kiroshima spots Bakugo standing back as well, and approaches with a soft smile.
Bakugo stood sternly amd strongly, with his arms crossed tightly across his chest and legs spread slightly. His eyes are fierce out over his team.

"Hi Baku..." Kirishima greets softly.

Bakugo almost falls over from his strong stance. He jumps slightly, and clears his throat as he recomposes himself.

Kirishima chuckles. "Did I scare you?"
"Tch-... no..-"
"You're really good at getting your team back together. That voice of yours is strong!" He comments. "You even got my team's attention!"
"W-Well duh- my team's a bunch of fuckin' brain-deads. Might need a megaphone one day to get their fuckin' attention."
"Nah, your voice beats the megaphone!" Kirishima chuckles.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now