[ F i r s t S t e p T o w a r d s H e l p ]

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"Mr. Haiyku?"

The man turns around with arched eyebrows. He smiles warmly down at his student.

"Kiri! What's up, man-?"
"I... want to schedule an appointment with you."
"Oh, sure! Are you having any troubles with any topics we're learning-?"
"No, it's... I'm... concerned for two of my classmates."

His gaze changed to one of slight concern and worry.

"Oh... well, I have a little time to chat right now, if you'd like...!"
"If it won't bother you right now. But I do wish to speak with you about it soon..."
"Have a seat, Kirishima. Let's talk."

The teacher pulls a chair up to his desk and motions for the red-head to have a seat. His worried gaze lands on the boy once again.

"What's concerning you?" He begins softly. "Just, right off the bat-- You can trust me, alright? Don't feel hesitant to tell me anything."
"Thank you, sir." Kirishima bows his head lightly.

He's not nervous. He's not scared.
The thought of helping his classmates is giving him a great boost of confidence.

"So, I'll give you a backstory... You know how the students have like, small groups right? The quiets ones... the sporty ones... and-"
"The Jocks? Oh no... I hope this doesn't take the turn I'm hoping it doesn't."

Kirishima sighs quietly.

"I'm sure it doesn't," Kirishima responds. "You see... this is all about assumptions."


"Well.. that's a lot to take in." The teacher begins. He draws in a deep breath. "First of all... This is a safe zone-! You're all welcomed to be yourselves in my classroom... I'm proud of your confidence to tell me all of this. It shows a strong teacher to student bond, so I'm proud of it." He nods. "And... You, indeed.. are a very brave boy. Most students prefer to steer clear of that little group..."
"I try to include everyone... I always see something more in people."
"That's a beautiful trait to have, Kirishima."
"Thank you... sir."
"But please, continue... You and Bakugo began to bond a little... and what's next?"
"The entire time... everyone who saw us hanging out kept warning me... calling Bakugo names, and just... really being super rude behind his back... But they mostly kept calling him a 'monster' and 'mentally ill'..."

The teacher's expression falls horrified and disappointed.

"But I kept brushing them off and trying to correct them...! Because I really don't think Bakugo is those things-!"
"Right--... Back to the 'monster' and 'mentally ill' thing." The teacher corrects.
"S-So yesterday I made an accident... I overheard Todoroki and Bakugo having this argument... and Todoroki was just threatening him left and right... and just calling him mentally ill- I tried to go speak with Bakugo afterward but he was really unnerved and distressed-... I- I think he was having an attack, but I'm not sure... and-..." Kirishima sighs loudly.
"It's okay... take a few deep breaths, you're saying a lot right now."

He takes out a small notepad and begins to write a few things down.

"Did you and Bakugo talk at all?"
"Yes sir... I,- Well, I tried..." Kirishima shakes his head. "I didn't really get anywhere with him... so I tried to talk with Todoroki... and that was where Todoroki told me both of them were diagnosed with PTSD...-"
"Okay-" The teacher stops him. "This... all just got extremely serious..." he sighs quietly. "Thank you, Kirishima. This was all very brave and responsible of you... But next time something like this appears, you should seek for an adult a bit sooner, to prevent fights and arguments,-"
"I-... I understand, sir. I'm sorry-"
"It's okay... what you did just now was good."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now