[ B e a u t i f u l N i g h t ]

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[ B a k u g o ]

We got back in the dorms, back in my dorm,-
And I swear, I step away for a minute, and he disappears.

I find him in the veranda though. 
And the sight of his back turned to me... him facing out to the night, with the skies that clear and filled with a billion fucking stars with a crown on his head--

I approach quietly, purposefully intending to scare him-
Opportunity's too golden, and I don't fucking waste things-

I'm not that harsh though... I could never. Not with him...

My hands just grab his waist quickly,- he still jumps, which is fucking priceless-
But cute... too cute...

"Gotha~" I sing quietly. I chuckle and kiss his jawline as he plays a pout. 
"I could've fallen-" he delivers, trying to be stubborn.
"Yeah 'cuz this metal fence isn't here to catch people from falling..." I claim. 

I rest my chin on his shoulder and stare out to the sky, what he was looking at.

"The sky's so pretty..." he hums. His head falls against mine. "I love looking at it. Doesn't matter the weather or time, I love the sky."
"Fuckin' precious little thing-" I grumble playfully. He giggles and turns in my arms. "Come back inside..." my voice softened. 

He lets me lead him back inside by the hand. To keep the room cool from the fan's work we keep the veranda's doors open.

We sit on the bed and I grab his chin gently.

"Can I take off the bandaid?" I ask. "The nurses said you should change it before bed tonight. And repeat it until it heals."
"When did she say that--?"
"You weren't awake yet," I respond simply.

He agreed and I head off to a drawer where I keep first-aid stuff I own. The few cotton-balls and bandages and the disinfecting solution I have should do.

[T h i r d P e r s o n ]

Kirishima's head is tilted to the side, he's watching his boyfriend with dazed eyes-- (or, a dazed eye) in silence.
But he breaks it,

"Have you ever fainted?" He asks out of the blue.
Bakugo waits to respond until he returns to the bed. He sets the handful of items down and sighs quietly.
"Way too many fuckin' times." He admits. "Nah- a few times... I mean, for someone my age, yeah, a bunch of fuckin' times."
Kirishima's eyes change, they read worry suddenly. "Whua--? Why?"
Bakugo shrugs numbly and begins to get his hands busy, wetting a cotton ball with the disinfecting solution and sitting it on his folded leg so he can remove Kirishima's eye-bandage.
"A few reasons," he begins. "Football... PTSD... me just being fucking stupid..." he shrugs. "I didn't know blood freaked you out that much..."
"It wasn't the blood...-- well, I guess a little-" he chuckles in embarrassment. "Ojiro said 'glass' and I started thinking of like, gross images of like, huge shards of glass inside my eye," 

Bakugo's eyes widen. "Ugh-"
"Yeah I know-!"
"It wasn't that bad--?! I couldn't even see it..-"
"Did it actually hit my eyeball...?"

Bakugo suddenly gets hesitant. He realizes it...- Kirishima's eye... definitely doesn't look the prettiest right now-

But he's brave.

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