[ M o r e P r a c t i c e A n d N e w U n i f o r m s ]

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Throughout that month, Bakugo fell hard into practice and training again. And naturally, his days turned twice as better as Eijiro joined him in train-days.

And after that day, he became more at peace with Todoroki and Natsuo... And Koji and Kat got to know Kirishima and Todoroki better. 

She switched between the two almost every day after school. Some days she'd join Bakugo, Todoroki and Natsuo in their jogs, training, and work-out while others she'd join Kirishima with Kat during his and his team's training and practices as well.


"What's up, guys...!" Kirishima began happily. "Let me introduce you guys to these guys-!"

The group gathered around quickly, and of course; Koji's extrovert self became giddy with joy as Kat's shy self curled up a bit.

"This is Koji and Kat!" Kirishima introduced with a wide smile, "it's chill if they hang out around here for a bit, right?"

They exchange handshakes and bright, excited smiles. Aoyama goes insane over Koji's long, colored hair as others approach Kat's shy self, to ask if his hair was dyed as well and compliment his eyes or outfit.

They quickly get to work with their warm-ups.

Bakugo's work-out day surprisingly goes smoothly.
He feels calm... and concentrated in the workout. And training with people who he'll actually be playing in the finals has great advantages.

"Todoroki," Bakugo called out, "when someone throws the ball to you, you have to look at who's around you-- you do this every time," he begins.

Once again, surprisingly, he keeps his calm.

"Instead of focusing to score a touchdown, see if you have a better chance to pass it to someone else,-- you've lost so many points from being tackled down by trying to freeway yourself to the base-" he claims.
"I'm working on it..." he sighed, "let's try again."

He nods curtly, approving of the cooperation.

"Let's go, boys-!" Natsuo hypes up, "impress me!"

Bakugo grins largely at the claim, "your leader says the same!"

And they have fun. Tremendous amounts of fun.
They find themselves in that state where their breath is short and their adrenaline is hyper, jolting through their bodies through sheer shocks of energy and excitement, and their lips are tugged into a never-ending grin... they call it the best type of fun.

Bakugo and Todoroki begin to see their old days merge into the present... the times that they actually enjoyed a day together, without ugly fights, or arguments or violence...

Just smiles and determination.

'Eijiro would be proud of me...'

"Kats is gonna flip when he sees the new uniforms--" Koji blurted out through her hand. The group is laughing, from her comment and from excitement,-
And from how still, their uniforms are revealing.

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