[ S t r e s s ]

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We got in trouble for causing the fire outside...
After today, we'll have the game, and then be out for spring break.

I didn't even realize I hadn't spoken in over an hour. I just feel the world slipping away from me constantly. I can't focus on anything... I feel like shit.


Kirishima turned in response, Bakugo didn't. He kept walking, dissociated and numb-looking. Kirishima turned back after realizing Bakugo hadn't paid attention.


But the blonde just kept walking. Until his boyfriend takes his hand, ever so delicately, and tugged him back a bit, to wrap a safe arm around his waist, he snaps back.

"What's up...? You're super out of it today..."
Their eyes lock, as a response, is what Kirishima assumes.
Bakugo looks so tired...

"Is... now a bad time to talk?"
Bakugo turns around at the sound of Todoroki's voice.


Todoroki looks upset... pitied, almost. Right behind them is Midoriya, holding onto Todoroki's arm in a sweet manner.

"I... heard about what happened yesterday...- Kat told me more context after I heard all the shouting..."
Bakugo leans more against Kirishima, in an exhausted way.

"And... I just wanted to... check on you...?" There's a bit of a pause.

"He was worried about you," Midoriya picks up in a gentle tone, "he heard about how bad you got yesterday, when..." he swallows his words.

Todoroki sighed.

"I'm here now." He claimed. "I-... fuck the past, alright? I don't care about us in the past... if you ever need someone to turn to, I'll be here..." he mumbled. "Our game is coming up... and.. I wanna have a good game... maybe you, Natsuo and I could... practice again, like we did that one time..."

He nodded weakly. They stared at him for a bit... Kirishima held him a bit closer.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kirishima asks quietly.
His expression twisted... it looks disapproving. He looked away, silenced and upset.

"I think he's still hung up about... what happened last night..." Kirishima mumbles, "I'm...! Super happy to see you two are moving on...-!" He moves on quickly.

Todoroki nods weakly. "Doing my best..." he mumbled, looking down at Midoriya who caressed his arm encouragingly.

"And so is he." Kirishima responds confidently. "I'm sure you guys are gonna kill it at the game...! I'm stoked for it!"
"Me too--! A-And, your performance, too! I'm excited to see your choreography this time...!" Midoriya responded.
"We're all excited to show it off..." Kirishima chuckled, "thanks guys."

As soon as they got to the room, Bakugo sat on the bed. He slowly fell to his side and curled up, his eyes closed again.
Kirishima stood back, hands on his hips as he watched in silence. He looks a bit worried.

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