[ S w e e t , U n e c e s s a r y A p o l o g y ]

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Kirishima forces himself to go to school.
Bakugo and Todoroki have their first day of therapy today.

But through dark, thick clouds... the sun beams its way through for Kirishima.

As he gets back 'home', he drops his things carelessly at his dorm room and flops on his bed.

He finds that he has one unread voice-mail from Bakugo.

He lays the phone on the bed, in front of him, and hits 'Play'.

"Hi... Uhm... This isn't... really comfortable for me, but whatever."
"Last night... is something I wanna talk about..."

There's a small pause.
"I didn't like that. Not the fact that you came to my dorm... and slept over... but the fact that you were crying. You looked scared...- It... made me scared... It's why I'm recording this in the first place,"
There's another small pause.
"Talk to me when you need to... If something is bothering you... or scaring you to that point, I... I wanna know." 

And something to fill Kirishima's emotions more...

"I care. I've... been caring. A lot."

His head is laying on the bed, faced off to the side. His eyes are closed... he's only listening to his voice.

"I'm gonna be back at the dorms after four. I gotta catch up on what I missed in class today. I... I'll see you soon. Get some rest."

He flips onto his back, and tugs his pillow over his chest.

"H-He's a- a br-broken... ang-gel... A-And damn it... I-I'll show... E-Everyone... That he... i-is good..."

'God damn it...'
'If we both like each other...'
'Why is nothing being done.'

'Next date... Next date... I'm telling him.'

[ B a k u g o ]

I need a hug.
I need his hug.

I don't know why...
I've been craving it since... the therapy started.

I'm... to scared to ask for it though...
I hope he got the message I sent him.
I wonder if he's feeling better.
Does he need anything--?


I need to shut up.

That's how my thoughts have been like... ever since.
Just... him.

His well-being... mostly.


Fine, I'll eat something... shower... and go see him.

Before Bakugo can finish eating, Kirishima heads downstairs for lunch as well.

In the common area sat Kaminari, Sero, Midoriya, Iida, and Jiro.

His eyes sparkle softly when he sees the familiar head of blonde hair in the kitchen. He walks past the common area, his eyes set on only Bakugo.

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