[ T h e F i n a l G a m e ]

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His smirk always has a meaning...
But to see that smirk today, it means the world... to me, alongside the whole school.

We woke up early today... him, Natsuo, and Todoroki and I.
When everyone was awake, I got the group back together for one last day of practice, before tonight's big game.

And oh my god, to see Katsuki this excited, it gets me so happy, so energetic...

Towards the middle of the day, he went out to the school's field to practice with the team. While I stayed back at the dorms, with mine.
We tried our uniforms again to make sure everything was good and ready, and we practiced until questions came up again.

And, not meaning to brag, but...

We're pretty good-

Tonight's gonna be fantastic... The competition is gonna be insane.
And, I gave Kats my little talk already... he told me it psyched him up a bit more.

/ /

"Katsuki," I called. "Tonight's... pretty huge, huh?"
"I'm so fucking excited."
I knew my eyes sparkled just then, just like my heart did.
"That's great...!--"
"Especially 'cuz I'll finally be able to see your performance- I've been so fucking pissed because I never got the chance to watch you- hearing other people saying it was good isn't enough- I mean sure, I already KNOW they were fucking great, but I wanna see them myself, damn it-"
"Babe," I chuckled.

He fell back on the bed, against me.

"Let's have fun tonight, okay...?"
"Duh," he laughed.
"No, but seriously..." I giggled. My tone fell a bit more patient, a bit more serious. "Whether we win or lose... It's for the experience."

He didn't respond.

"But let's aim for the win?" I ask softly.
"Heh... always, Eijiro."
"That's the spirit...!" I cheer, "that's the jock I know and love!"
"'Jock', ey?" He laughed.

/ /

The preparations for tonight have started all the way back until last month, everyone has such high expectations...

And the pressure is suffocating, almost. It's clear on all of us, players and cheerleaders...

This time both male and female teams are going to perform. We've been chatting with a few of them, too, at least the ones that are in our class; Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Hagakure, And Ash, actually. She joined a couple of weeks back.

We're all super, super nervous. But, we're all super, super, EXTREMELY excited.

And... I'm excited. Because we've worked so hard on this cheer, I really want him to see it.

Today's tiring. But, we kinda signed up for it. I wonder if Katsuki's doing okay today, though. The past game was kind of tough for him...

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now