[ P r e p a r i n g ]

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<K i r i s h i m a>

We were sitting in the common area of the dorms.
I understand that... we can't really show affection towards one another when we're outside of one of our dorm rooms...

And Katsuki does change when we're not alone.

He's more snappy, and angry.
But I won't force him to smile... I know his case.
I don't want him to be forced...

The more people push on the subject as of why he's acting calm and quiet, the more he clearly gets annoyed.

At one point, he snaps.
He stands up harshly and growls out to everyone.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" He snaps.

He began to walk away... towards the door.

"I'm gonna get ready..." he grumbled.

But before he shut the door behind him, he winks at me.
Never failed to get my heart racing...

"Ah... thank god." He sighs with a soft smile.

I approach, to be surprisingly hooked by his arm.
He hooked his arm around my waist and pulled our bodies together.

"Come practice with me." He whispers softly close to my ear. "I don't wanna leave you with these assholes."
He kisses my cheek sweetly, and begins walking forward while never releasing my waist.

God damn...

"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Gym. After the gym we'll jog for a bit... and... I want your help."
"M-..My help? For your practice-?"
"I can't stop thinking back to that last game... how you threw that football so fuckin' perfectly..." he begins. "I want you to help me practice with my catches..."
"O-..Okay-! Just a heads up, aside from that night, I've never threw a football in my li--"

He turns to me, wide-eyed. "You're kidding?!"
"I-... I'm not...!"
"That throw takes YEARS of fucking practice to perfect-?!"
"Todoroki just told me the basics..!"

He stops.
His eyes....

They become venomous.

I... didn't like it.

He suddenly twitches. His head drops, and a heavy sigh is exhaled.

"Right." He grumbles. "Right. That was... before."
"He's my friend, Katsuki."

He nods slowly.
He takes a while to respond, and starts walking again before he does so.

"I... gotta learn... how to share you."

My eyes fall pitied.

"You're doing an amazing job, Katsuki."

His eyes glance up at me, a small gleam popping.
He bows his head backs down, exhaling a curt chuckle.

"Y-Yeah... I... I try."
"But that's what's so amazing. You're trying... that's more than enough, baby."

He nods weakly.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now