[ C o u r a g e ]

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Kirishima has taken some pain meds for his foot,-
He did just race someone with a brace... his ankle was doing better, but it's still swollen and sprained after all.

He was sitting alone in the common area.
His heart never fails to race whenever Bakugo walked into the same room.
But this time, he walked in with someone else.

As soon as Bakugo spots Kirishima, his mood changes.

"Yuh-- I thought we were going to the lake with Koji--"

Bakugo drops on the couch opposite of Kirishima and spreads his arms out, on the couch's backrest. He sighs loudly.

"Don't want to anymore." He simply claims. Kirishima smiles at him, although this time a bit smaller.
"What, just because your little boyfriend is here-?"
"Natsuo I'm gonna FUCKING MURDER YOU--"

He jumps over the couch and chased Natsuo back out, leaving Kirishima with widened eyes. His heart never stopped racing.

'One... I thought that guy's name was 'Nayto'...'
'And two...- What did he just call me-?! Was he talking about me?! There's no else in the room-!'

There was a loud crash sound, and five seconds of silence pass by.
Bakugo walks back into the room with another loud sigh. This time it sounded annoyed.

"Fuckin' rat..." he grumbles.
He once again jumps over the couch's backrest and falls down on the cushion. He copies his previous posture on the couch and looks down at Kirishima's leg.

"Where's your brace."
"I left it upstairs... I took meds, the nurse told me I could take it off whenever I wanted to rest for a bit...--"
"Why the fuck would you leave it upstairs, you dumbass..."
"I forgot it."

He looks off to the side, secretly thinking of a topic in which could keep a conversations going.

"That guy... you called him 'Natsuo', I thought it was 'Nayto'?" Kirishima asks.
"His real name is Nayto." Bakugo explains. "He prefers Natsuo."
"Ohhh-- Why?"
Bakugo shrugs carelessly.

Bakugo looks around silently, finding them to be alone. He looks down.

"How's your leg...?"
"Hurts a bit... but I should be fine."

He suddenly gets up, leaving Kirishima a little confused.

"Where are you going-?"
"I'll be back."

Kirishima only smiles at the response.

"What's... this?"

Kirishima reads the package quietly.
Bakugo had returned with a small package of what looked like to be cream.

"It stops pain. Better than the shitty drugs you're taking." Bakugo mumbles.
"Ohh-! Thank you so much!"

'I didn't know the fucking sun is living with us, but okay-'

"Don't mention it..." he grumbles.

Kirishima begins to bounce I'm his place, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. He still looked happy.
Bakugo's heart is hanging on by a thread. He's struggling to keep a serious face,-

'Why is that so...'
'So cute...?!'
'I've NEVER called something cute before...!'

"You gonna keep bouncing like that or spill what you're hiding?"
"Wanna hang out tomorrow-?!"

Bakugo leans back smugly. On the outside, he's looking smug and nonchalant.
But he's actually anxious and nervous on the inside.
Again, he 'feels sick'.

"Askin' me on a date, dumb hair?"
"I-! U-Uhm-?! I- I dunno-?! I-If-!"
"Where to?"

Kirishima's eyes widen. His face is as red as his hair.

"Th-The movies-!"

Bakugo nods curtly.

"I-Is that a yes-?!"
"You're freaking out. How important is this to you?"
"Uhhhh-?! N-Not at all-!" Kirishima jumps. "I- I mean-! Y-Yes! It means a lo-- Ugh-!"

Bakugo bursts out laughing.
And Kirishima's state worsens. He falls dizzy at the speed of his heart rate.

"Sure, dumb hair. Just don't get a fuckin' stroke before tomorrow." He speaks through broken laughter. "Can you do that-?"
"O-Of course!" Kirishima rolls his eyes, his tone still unnerved.

They fall silent again, Kirishima is hunched over, elbows on his knees. Bakugo is watching him quietly, with a smugly cocked eyebrow.

'Why do you make me feel so light, 'Kirishima'? What's it about you... that makes me so calm?'

"I meant to say that it would be important." Kirishima clarifies, a little under a minute after they 'conclude' the chat.
"Mhm. Got that." Bakugo continues with the same laid back, nonchalant tone. He still suppressed back laughter, and the way the corners of his lips quivered showed it.


I can tell he's the 'lovable' type.
By the way his friends act around him, he's been 'protected' against many things.

But... here's my fucking problem.

I can see it.
He's not just the 'baby's everyone's seeing.
He's a fucking beast, I can tell.
Not everyone can keep up with me... during anything, really.
He fucking raced against me with a fucking brace on.
He's strong... super fucking strong.

It's really fucking admirable.
I found out, that's one of the things that draws me to him.

He's somehow a perfect mix of someone who should be protected,
And someone who you should be protected against.

But something also tells me...
And may I fucking tell you, I've never thought this way before...
Something also tells me I... don't... want to see him mad... or showing aggression...

Towards me... or anything or anyone, really.

A wolf in sheep's clothing...
I like it.

"Oi, dumb hair."
He sighs.
"You know you're terrible at asking people on dates."

He jumps, flashing me those widened eyes.

"That's what you called it, am I wrong?" I smirk.
"I guess-?!"

He looks so fucking flustered.
I just wanna keep looking at him...

"H-How am I bad at asking-?!"
"You just told me where we're going. I'll give you a second to realize what you're missing."

His eyes slowly trail down to the floor, in front of him.
It took him a solid minute.
His thinking face is... kinda attractive, actually--

"Is twelve o'clock good for you-?!"
"Sure, sure..." I laugh out.

I got a date with the cheerleader team's leader.

Oh my fucking god, I got a date with the cheerleader team's leader.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now