[ T r a v e l D a y 5 ]

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Kirishima slowly makes his way outside.
There's a thin layer of frost on the freshly-cut lawn of the large field and the chilly air ached in his bones.
He isn't necessarily appropriately dressed for the weather.
He also has crutches.
Crutches, plus frosty, freshly cut lawn...
Not the best decision.

He grunts quietly at each step he takes. But his eyes were set on his goal-
To get to the blonde sitting in the middle of the field.

Bakugo hears the sound of crutches approaching, and he begins to grow annoyed.
He sighs heavily.

Kirishima drops his crutches aside and falls down on the grass, beside Bakugo. He flashes him a wide smile as he raises a knee up to his chest, and hugs it close.

"Good morning!"
"Nice weather out, huh-?"
"It's fucking below zero." He finally speaks. "And you're wearing NOTHING."
"Nah, bro... It's... It's chill-"
"Fucking damn right it is. What, do you just not own any fucking jackets?"
"Eh... not really?"

He grows more annoyed.

"I mean, I didn't bring any jackets with me. I dunno, I don't mind the cold."
"You're a fucking dumbass."
"And you shouldn't be out here either. You have a fucking cast, and the grass is fucking slippery."
"You curse a lot, don't you-"
"Shut the fuck up."

They fall silent, as Bakugo wishes.
But... he regrets the wish.

'What a nice fucking voice he's got, huh...'
"Damn it... I'm not good at this.'

"Tch..." he snaps his head away and raises his knees up to his chest as well. He hugs them close and curls his posture.

"Y-You did good-! Or whatever-?!" He blurts out.
"O-Oh-! Thanks, man!" He exhales with a quiet chuckle. "I performed like the king was watching! The guys did super well too!-"

He lowers his head.

"You... don't have a fuckin' coach...?"
"No... I've been leading this entire time, basically." He shrugs lightly. "But... now it's gonna be a tougher."

His hand lowers to his casted foot and Bakugo finally looks back. His eyes lowers to the crutches, and the heavily casted foot.

'He broke it...?'

"But I won't give up. I won't let a broken foot stop me from leading my team-!"
"You fucking broke it...?"
"Yeah... I thought I sprained it, but... It's pretty much busted. It'll take a while to heal."

Kirishima is calm on the outside.
But the amount of excitement he feels on the inside is nearly overwhelming.
He feels extremely happy to be carrying out a happy conversation with him.

"You also played really well yesterday!"
"I see why they nominated you as leader."

He wasn't getting verbal responses.
But faintly, and very weakly and curtly, Kirishima could tell that Bakugo is nodding.

His smile is as large as ever now.

"I hope I'm not disappointing you, like you told me back at that bathroom." He suddenly claims smugly.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now