[ N e w F r i e n d s ]

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<Third Person>

The class radiated positive energy. Small little groups formed quickly, as students found others that either shared the same interest, or just looked like a nice friend in general.

One girl in particular mostly stayed with Kirishima.

"Class, I'll be right back! I have to go get the student from the main office... Oh-! Speaking of! By the way, I'm trusting you all to stay by yourselves for a few minutes... But while I'm gone! They thinking of students that might be a good class president!"

Ohhh man this was so exciting.

"Hey, why are you just sitting there...? Come meet the class!" Ash begins.

She had dragged Kirishima to talk to the silent student-
The two's eyes lock, and Kirishima freezes.
They... Had met before.

"I do not do these childish activities." The boy claims coldly.

And that was all he said.

Although something was different,- His glare was not the same towards Kirishima.
And Kirishima noticed.
It sparked something inside him.

They leave the boy alone, but Kirishima knew it wouldn't be for long.

Kirishima mostly stayed Sero, Kaminari, and the people he found most attachment to on the first day- Midoriya, Satou, and Shouji.

The teacher walks back in with the student. The student looked angered and annoyed as the teacher and him stopped at the front of the class.

"Class, may I have your attention for a few seconds-! Sorry for interrupting your meet and greets!"

The class turns their attention towards the front of the room, mostly looking at the blonde whose head was hung low.

"This is Bakugou. He will be introducing himself."

Four silent seconds followed by without anything being said.

"Bakugou Katsuki." He chokes out in a growl. "I'm the football team leader... And I WILL earn this school gold this year... AGAIN." He continues in the same tone.

The class stayed silent.

"Satisfactory..." The teacher sighs quietly. "Have a seat, Bakugou."

No one dared to approach the student.
And something that stung Kirishima's heart was how he noticed something else,-
The silent student, Todoroki, changed when the blonde say in front of him.
His glade returned, he seemed to stone over... He seemed to be drained of all emotion.

With two minutes remaining of class, the teacher asks for the students to return to their seats.

"I want to make a few more announcements before I let you all go!" Mr. Haiyku begins. He clasps his hands together. "Very well done today, you are all very unique and kind in your own ways, I look forward to an awesome year with you all." He smiles. "And, a letter will be sent home to you all talking about the dorms system! You will need parental consent in order to get a dorm, and dorms will be officially open on Friday of this week! This week we wont do nothing too crazy, mostly activities that will help you get to know those in which you will be living with for the next few years or so."

He moves to behind his desk and motions towards the front of the room.

"And as promised, Kiri, Sero and Kam, would you like to tell the class about your voting booth? You may come up to the front of the class or remain in your seats, whatever is most comfortable."

The three go up to the front of the class with wide smiles, the teacher chuckles at their excitement.

"Sooo! We got permission from Principal Nezu to host a vote-l." Kirishima begins.
"The vote is about opening a NEW cheerleading team, for guys!" Sero continues.
"The booth will be open every morning until Thursday. We were thinking on opening the booth Thursday after school too, depending on how the votes go."

"Very well!" The teacher nods curtly. "Did you guys rehearse that?" He laughs.
"No sir-" Kirishima laughs.
"That's what happens when you hang out for too long-- Our brains become one." Kaminari comments.
"How long have you three known each other?"
"Well, Sero and I are childhood friends, we grew up together. We met Kami last year, but we still treat each other like brothers."
"Awh, that's so nice! A beautiful bond."
"Thank you sir."

The three were one of the last ones to leave class.
The three, along with Todoroki.

Bakugou storms his way out of the class without sharing mere glances with the other three.
Todoroki remained unmoved in his seat.
And Kirishima wanted to approach him.

Aero grabs Kirishima's forearm, stopping him from approaching any further.

"Dude-! What are you doing-?!" He whisper shouts.

Kirishima pouts as he sees Todoroki beginning to pack his stuff.

"W-Wait, no, hold on.. Let me do this. Trust me,-"

He breaks free from the weak attempt to hold him back and takes a seat next to the boy.


The boy doesn't respond. He glances at him, but continues to pack his stuff silently.

"I'm Kirishima... Or, Kiri, like I introduced myself before."

Kaminari watched silently as Sero stepped in.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you, bro-- Kiri let's go,-"

"Apologies." The boy suddenly speaks up.

They stare at him silently.

"Monoma and Shinso are assholes." He continues.

And with those words, he picks up his bag and stands up. Their eyes lock for a long second before he moves forward, stepping out of the classroom.

Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari exchange baffled looks.

"That's why I wanted to approach him." Kirishima begins quietly. "I can see something in him... He looks miserable...-"
"Kiri, bro, I love how kind you are... You're so selfless and caring about others-- But I dont want to see you hurt." Sero claims quietly.
"I won't get hurt. I promise."

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now