[ " A c c e p t e d " ]

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Within two weeks after school had started and after their voting booth had been opened, the poll had gotten a percentage of 98% "Yes!"

The school followed with its promise and opened the all new "BOYS' CHEERLEADING SIGNUPS!"
After school of the same day the poll had ended.

And within the first week, as well, a small team was already made.

"Bro-! The results came out--" One begins.

Quickly, a small crowd gathers around the small sheet of paper, stapled to the wall.
Curious eyes quickly scan the paper for their names;

-Kaminari Denki-
-Kirishima Eijirou-
-Mashirao Ojiro-
-Sero Hanta-
-TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu-
-Yuga Aoyama-

"BRO WE MADE IT-!" Sero cheers.
"HOLY CRAP-- I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD MAKE IT--?!" Kaminari joins.
"I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE START--" Kirishima adds.
"NAH BRO WE GOTTA GO GET READY-!" Kirishima claims.

The six run off, extremely excited. The halls stayed cleared for a few short minutes,
Before they came along.

They always huddled around in a pack; In the back stood Shinso Hitoshi and Monoma Neito. In the middle stood Todoroki Shouto. And leading the pack, was Bakugou Katsuki.
These, were only main jocks.

They stop by the paper stappled to the wall, snickering and mocking comments at the names listed.
The leader snatches the paper off the wall and rips it into confetti-like pieces as the group laughs mockingly. They watch the pieces scatter on the floor.

As they walk off, they stomp on the pieces carelessly.
"Oh, how utterly sad-! We are going to have a group of pansies cheering on our team! How EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING AND UPSETTING-!" The blue eyed one exclaims mockingly.

The purple eyed one throws a hand to the back of his head, whacking him to silence him from his words.

"You are extremely obnoxious-"
"Can the fucking peanut gallery shut your fucking mouths? God damn." The leader barks. "We're fucking finding those fucking disgusting-ass lollies. One by one we'll beat the fucking rainbow out of their system… Let them know to represent our fucking team well." He growls.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now