[ R o l l e r C o a s t e r O f E m o t i o n s ]

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It really was a bit odd for Bakugo to ask to speak with Sero privately... especially after the small and short rivalry they had. That was before everything, though... Sero's perspective on Bakugo changed extremely ever since then.

He was pulled outside by Bakugo without given a reason other than 'we need to fucking talk'.
In which, coming from Bakugo, was valid enough.

Sero's first question was Kirishima's whereabouts. Bakugo actually gave a full answer... since it would segue nicely into the topic that he wants to talk about.

"He's in my room, trying to sleep." He responded. "He--"
"Sorry bro-- I don't wanna interrupt but- were you crying?"

Bakugo lowers his head.

"So what if I fucking was."
"No, it's alright--! Nothing wrong to cry- just, your eyes are super red, dude...-"
"I know, alright? Don't need to fuckin' remind me." He mumbles. "Eiji's the same fuckin' way. And... it pisses me off."
"It's why I fucking brought you out here."

There's a long silent pause.

"What's up, man...? You were actually all happy and smiling a few hours back,-"
"Eijiro... told me. His mom, his grandpa."

Sero's expression falls... his crossed arms fall limp to his sides. He feels his heart begin to hurt.

He and Kirishima hadn't touched on that subject for a while... he had begun to think that everything kind of stopped.
He'd forgotten about it, even. And he feels... horrible about it. He stood there, feeling at a loss for words. 

He sees Bakugo begin to fall apart before him as well... it baffles him.

"He-... He told you, right-?! He said you're the only one who knows aside from me!"
"Y-Yeah, he...- we would talk about it all the time, but-... He,- he stopped talking about it, I thought everything was fine-"
"I.. I don't know anymore..." his voice sounded frail and weakened. 

He puts a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "Hey, he's strong...- he's made it this far, hasn't he-?"
"I know he's fucking strong. Hell, he's fucking stronger than I am." He admits. "In so many fucking levels..." he continued, "but I can't... fucking stand it... the thought of him being hurt like that-"

Sero hesitates... he doesn't know why he said it, it slipped out. "Have you seen his scars?"

Bakugo's head raises again, his eyes are wide and... soulless. He looks shattered.

"No." His voice cracked. 
"Sorry, that was...- that was rude-"
"You're gonna fucking help me." Bakugo cuts him off. "Did you meet them? Have you met those monsters-?"
"Kirishima never let Kami and I visit his house... it's always been him going over to ours." Sero claims. "For the fourteen years that Kiri and I have been friends... I only have memories of his dad. I have never seen his mom... or his grandpa." He pats Bakugo's back, seeing him begin to choke back tears. "Hey, it's gonna be okay...-- You should be glad, right? At least he told you..."

Bakugo stays still. No more words are said.

"I'd say get to know his dad first..." Sero begins. "The guy's a sweet man. I can tell it's where Kiri got it from... If you can try and bring up all of this to his dad... then it'll be a start."

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