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Days turn into weeks... And weeks turn into months.
The boys' cheerleading team had become an extremely supported team, and something that was now taken very seriously.
By most people, that is...


"Hiiii Eiji-kun!" The girl chirps softly. Her heart-eyes drowned the boy, but he shrugs them off like always.

His feet slow down and his head rises with a quiet sigh. His eyes close before they open to the sight of the girl jogging up to him excitedly. 

"Ash... Hey..."
"The big game is coming up! I'm honestly like, SO EXCITED for you-?!"
"Yeah... Big day, huh?"
"You're gonna do GREAT- Ohhh! Are the costumes you guys are wearing super revealing like the girls' costumes-?!"

He shivered at the girl's curiosity.

"They're not 'costumes', they're uniforms... And I dunno. I was told we're gonna be wearing shorts, and tight crop tops... We're all debating as a team on what we want them to look like-"
"Oh my god-! Can I help-?!"

"Sorry, Ash... It's a team-only decision..." He brushes her off awkwardly. "A-Anyway... I gotta go.. I promised the guys I was gonna show up early... Practice starts tonight--"

The girl bounces up excitedly and opens her mouth to throw another question.

"And no, you can't come watch." He sighs. "Sorry..."

He enters the large warehouse with his head low. The old door slamming shut echoes through the nearly-empty warehouse, signaling the only one who was inside of his presence. The soft patter of his shoes trails closer to the patiently waiting member. 

"Bruh, when you said 'early' you weren't kidding." The black haired boy chuckles.

Kirishima drops besides the large gym mats, his heavily bag dropping to the floor. He sighs out loud, closing his eyes in distress. His light head shake told Sero that he wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"I bumped into Ash again... For like, the fourth time today?" He admits. "I used practice as an excuse to run away again."

His friend laughs again, "I still feel like you coming out would be like, THE one thing that would make her finally get off your back."
"Bro, I can't... If my parents find out I'm officially getting my life destroyed..."
His eyes open again, he opens his bag and begins to rummage through it to find his water bottle.
"And Ash is literally insane-- What if she pulls a yandere move and like, hurts someone--"
"Bro, your fault for being so attractive for the ladies-"
"Sero, I'm trying to impress the guys, not the ladies,"

The two laugh quietly.

"And the whole 'getting your life destroyed' thing... We're living at the dorms now, dude. You'll be away from your parents... That won't be a problem..." A comforting hand is placed on the redhead's shoulder. "And if you ever need help, I'm right here, alright?"

They share a softened glance, smiling at each other gratefully.

"Thanks bro..." Kirishima bows his head, shrugging lightly. "I don't know what I would do without you... Honestly.."
"Well I'll tell you what,- You'd be a hell of a lot smarter, that's what would happen--"

The two share more laughs as they wait for their new team to show up. Conversations never ran out in between the two, the large gym constantly echoed with what wasn't laughter, was chatter.

The uniforms were made as well, and the team were beyond stoked.

In three nights, was their first game...

They had been practicing for three weeks now.


-One Week Ago...-

"So I got word that the gay cheerleading team got their uniforms." Monoma snickers.

"Must you use the term 'gay' every time you refer to the boys cheerleading team?" Two duo-haired one speaks.

Despite him trying to steer away from the group, like his new, real friends had begun telling him to do,- 
Life would always push another excuse for him to go back to the poisoned group.

"Shut it, GG bastard." The leader barks. "And what, they fucking got their little skirts and pon-pons?" He mocks.

They sat on the tables outside, eating lunch while they spat at anyone who dared to pass by them.

Bakugou slouched back, his feet up on the table, as Todoroki sat up straight, his well-lit arms crossed tightly across his chest.

Shinso copied Todoroki's posture as his legs were spread open wide. Monoma slouched smugly, his head leaned back nonchalantly- Almost copying the leader's posture, yet not quite.

"Apparently they got away with having their uniforms to be super revealing." Monoma tells.

"Uh. I don't want to see any guy's dick while playing, thanks." Shinso comments.
"Fucking sluts-" The leader spits.
"I've seen one of them wearing the uniform already... It's not so bad." Todoroki sighs.
"Why the FUCK are you standing up for them, half and half bastard-- And again, who the FUCK GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO SPEAK-"
"Myself, Bakugou. I can't stress this enough when I say I don't easily allow someone to boss me around-"
"There he goes again, yapping his fucking mouth-- WANT A BEATING, PRETTY BOY-?!"
"Save your energy. I'll go by unphased."
The soon-to-be fight broke up shortly after it started by Shinso.

Monoma was curious on the uniforms.
"Which pansy did you see wearing the uniform?" He laughs out mockingly.
"Their leader. In which in fact, he makes a better 'leader' than Bakugou, that's for sure--"
"Right. Okay." Todoroki rolls his eyes. "He was wearing tight booty shorts and a skin-tight crop top, that went up to his neck--"
"That's gotta be the ugliest fucking description I've heard,-" Bakugou spits.
"Mm. He looked manlier than you,-"
"There they go again..." Shinso sighs heavily.

- - 


"Alright... Everyone, positions." Kirishima leads.

Quickly and cooperatively, his team gets into their discussed positions. He couldn't feel luckier, to speak the truth. His group was supportive, kind, cooperative, and accepting. That, for him, was what built the strength in his team. And what drove him to be the great leader he is.

"Let's start from the beginning!" He claims. "Ready and three... And two.. And one..! And go!"

Aside from the stomach-turning nervousness they all felt, they felt extremely excited. They were confident with their dancing skills, and the fact that they were given the opportunity to support their school's football team was grand to their motivation. 

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now