[ E n c o u n t e r ]

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Bakugo had stayed up for the majority if the night, as his head was not letting him sleep.
Sitting in the dark, on one of the kitchen tables, he had an ice pack up to his forehead and a chilled glass of water in hand. 

At about three hours into the night, the front door unexpectedly opens. Slowly and silently, he made his way inside. Bakugo was completely confused and curious, even though he hated to admit it.

'Why is he here.'
'Why was he out for so fucking late.'
'He's wearing that uniform again. He was practicing? Until this fucking late?'

'Dedication... But why--'

He didn't seem to notice Bakugo until he stepped into the kitchen and turned on the light. Bakugo hissed at the brightness and clutched at his head in severe pain.

"Turn that shit off, dumbass bastard-!"
"Sh-Shit-!" The boy jumps, extremely startled to find him there. "You're here-! I- I didn't see you-!?"

The lights cut out again and the room falls silent.

"Why-?!" The boy whisper shouts.
"Take a fucking guess, dumbass. Why would you fucking care." He snarls. "Move on to your fucking business and leave me alone."

His voice. Gave him butterflies. 
But he was rejecting, and refusing each and every question or feeling. 

"U-Uhm.. Sorry... For disturbing you..."
"I said. Move on to your fucking business. And leave me alone."

"Right... Right.."

He heard the sink turn on, the sound of a glass cup being filled up followed shortly after. A few quiet gulps can be heard.

"I'm Kirishima...! You're Bakugo, right-?"
"I'm not gonna fucking repeat myself."
"I'm just trying to be nice--"

He slams down his cup and jumps to his feet, but he chokes out a whimper as his headache sends him dizzy. 

"A-And you know what?! You're my fucking rival! It's leader.. Against leader..! AND I DON'T FUCKING LOSE, HEARD ME?!"

He begins to storm his way towards the stairs, becoming nauseated with the headache at this point.

"I'm not your fucking friend. I'm not anyone's fucking friend... Get that through your thick fucking skull..."

"Goooood morning Saturday!" Kaminari chirps.

He slides up to Todoroki, throwing an arm over his shoulders. Him, Kirishima, and Midoriya looked exhausted.

"What's up, fellas? Don't look so excited."
"Just tired..." Midoriya claims. "Me and Todo-kun stayed up until late last night."
"Why?" Sero asks.
"We were just talking." He shrugged simply. 

In reality, the two worked things out. Midoriya listened to Todoroki's rants, beliefs, fears,- Everything. There was a much stronger bond between the two... Todoroki has never felt so close to someone like he felt with Midoriya.

"Oh..! Todoroki's been opening up?" Kaminari asks.
"You could say that." Todoroki responds quietly.
"Well that's always good." Sero smiles. "And Kiri. Why are you so quiet?"
Kirishima looks down, shaking his head lightly.

"I ran into Bakugo last night..."
"Woah woah woah--" Sero begins.

Todoroki's tired eyes turned into glaring daggers.

"Wait-- After you left-? Bro I told you to come back to the dorms with me...-" Kaminari sighs.
"No, I wanted to stay back and train more anyways...--"

And once again,from above the stairs,
Bakugo listened to their conversation.

"I'm not scared of him. You guys can try and block me away from him-- Trust me,- He's just probably shy..--"
"Kirishima. Trust ME. Bakugo isn't shy about anything. That kid's a delusional bastard- You're wasting your time." Todoroki claims. "Why are you so insistent in going after him?"


"I dunno... Be friends with him? Maybe find out why he's like that? That'd be nice..."

Once again he received a negative outcome. Todoroki and Midoriya step out of the room and Kaminari heads back up to his dorm. Sero stays back.

"Talk to me, bro... I know you're trying to do something.
"I-! That is what I'm trying to do! E-Everyone's so rejecting about it, it..." 

Sero sits closer to him and throws an arm over him. 

"It hurts, kinda.." He mumbles.
"Are you sure that's just what you want to do?" Sero begins. "Be friends? Find out why he's like that?"
"Wh- What are you trying to say-- Sero, just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I fall for every guy I see... D-Damn- I'm not just some guy who falls for everyone!"

He gets up quickly, feeling himself getting bothered. It was rare for him, but when he did get mad or upset, he would prefer to be alone.

"Wh-Why would you even bring that up... Th-That's so wrong..."

He quickly heads up to the stairs as he finished his phrase. 
Bakugo was frozen in place. 
And the two encounter again.

Bakugo saw his upset face. The hand over his heart.. The hand running through his hair in a distressed manner.

He didn't like that. It didn't look right.

"Wh- What are you doing just crouching there,-- Creep..." He snaps. 
Leaving Bakugo baffled, he slams his door shut. 

He wasn't mad at the name he was called. His mind was too busy to be mad.

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