[ U n t i l S u n d a y ]

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[ B a k u g o ]

That day, I stayed around at his dorm for a bit longer after we talked.
His dorm's a comfortable place... warm... cozy, even...

But then again, it could just be him. 
He's warm... cozy... probably...
I bet he is.

But I remember... us somehow getting back into the topic of me.
He told me he 'researched PTSD'. And he even started talking about everything he knew, to show me how much he knows...

He's so caring... I've... never felt that before. 
Being cared for. 


"I ALSO read that people who have PTSD have a lot of insomnia..."

I look down with a sigh. 

"Yeah." I mumble. "It sucks."
"I get insomnia sometimes too." He shrugs. "We can be insomnia buddies! You can come over anytime you can't sleep and we'll just hang out."

Something about him... makes me happy... makes me bubbly. 
Makes me calm...

I can't get enough of his presence, his smile, his voice, his eyes...

I can't respond at the moment... my heart is... speaking louder?
Too loud, even... I can't concentrate.

"Bakugo? Hellloooo-"
"Did you hear me before-? I said you could come over any time--"
"Yeah... yeah- I heard you..."


I'm getting a panic attack... in bed.

I'm seriously considering going to his dorm...

But I can feel an attack coming... my patience is fucking thin, I-... I don't want to fuck anything up...

Maybe it's the lack of sleep. I get hella mad whenever I can't sleep...
He's been patient with me, but everything has a breaking point. I don't want to reach that with him... ever.

Which is why I'm so scared...
But it's only one night... right?

FUCK I'm so scared...

I did it.
I fucking did it.

He took me in. 
He actually fucking took me in.

I mean, he fell asleep like, right after I got settled-- But-!

I'm calm.
Watching him sleep... it's like a tv show I quickly claimed my favorite.
He does this thing something... he jerks his head to the side, and about a minute later, he'll move or turn to that side. 

I'm jealous.
I bet he's having the best fucking sleep--

Nah, really though...
I feel it coming. I'm calm enough to possibly fall asleep...

But until then, I'll just watch quietly...

Tomorrow is Sunday... and... I'm excited.
I finally look forward to something again, like the last... date.

I like calling the outings we go to together 'dates'. 
It gives me hope...

[ K i r i s h i m a ]

I'm going the complete opposite direction of what everyone is telling me to go...
I only keep going farther... and farther... into the opposite direction.



He's really pretty, isn't he-?

I'm sorry-! I had to say it... 
He's pretty in general.. but when he's calm...
God, he's just... extremely pretty.

I stop staring when I realize I could be caught.
I get up and start wondering I should wait until he wakes up to leave the room--

Today's sunday.
I just remembered-

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now