[ T r i o ]

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My first day went smoothly... I was stoked when the principal approached me with the news that he could make our proposal possible!

I met a few people only... But most importantly-! Kami and Sero are in the same class as me!
And my class seems to be super freaking fun-!

Everyone seemed hesitant on... Two kids...
But for me, they seemed to be part of the quiet kids.
So I didn't really understand their... Hesitation?

But I did also notice how one of them were one of the same guys from earlier this morning... The one with straight, red-and-white dyed hair... Was also in my class.
But overall, the day went by nicely.

First day of sophomore year, a success.

From far into the hall, I see one of my friends walking towards me. We, along with the third member of our small little trio, were going to walk to my house together today and spend the night there.
"Hey! Ready to go?" He begins.

This was Sero. Sero Hanta.
One of my two best friends. The guy who knows me better than I know myself. The one who's helped me through so much... Who's stuck with me through thick and thin, and who knows my deepest secrets.

"Yeah-! Where's Kami, though?"
"He's outside, in front of the school waiting for us."

One of the many things I loved about our friendship is how there was never silence. We always had topics to talk about it, have it be dumb, random things or serious, long topics.
But we always had something to say.

And whenever Kami was with us? Nobody could stop us from talking.

"Yooo-! You guys take forever."

This was Kaminari. Kaminari Denki.
Kami and I didn't grow up together like Sero and I, unfortunately, but we did meet in freshman year. He knows a lot about me, just not as much as Sero. The first day we hung out we immediately saw a connection--

We were both equally dumb and extremely playful, so it was an instant spark.

"Sorry man! I helped a chick pick up her books." Sero excuses.
"Did you actually-?!"
"Nah. Replace 'chick' with me,- I dropped my books."

The three of us laugh quietly. We begin walking home, and once again new topics for us to talk about surged.

"This year's gonna be easy. The teacher is super chill too." I comment. "And-! We were allowed to choose our seats-!"

Kaminari lays back on the floor with a content sigh. His hands fold over his chest.

"Yeah, bro-! And. There's some pretty cute girls in our class-"

Sero and I laugh quietly.

"Hah. Yeah.. You're a natural flirt, you'll have them all at your feet, you won't even need to try-" I claim.
"Hell yeah, dude-! Oh my god, you guys think I can get a girlfriend by the end of this year-?"
"Yeah, bro-!" Sero steps in. "You just didn't try hard enough last year."
"Eh. We'll go with that. And you guys? Thinking on pickin' up some chicks?"

Sero and I exchange looks.

"Eh... I'm fine being single..." I shrug lightly.
"Yeah, same here bro. I like the freedom."

The comment raises laughter in us.
Sero shot me a few more glances before we carried on with the night. It wasn't until another hour later before we fell back on the topic of the class.

"You guys noticed how we got that one kid in our class, right-?" Sero begins. "And not only one-- We got two of them-"
"'Two of them' who?" I ask.
"Oh, bro I saw-! I'm honestly a little scared- The year could easily flop with them in the class--"
"Who are we talking about here, people-?!" I exclaim, laughing.
"Oh, sorry bro-" Kaminari laughs. "The Jocks."

My expression falls a little.

"We got the leader... And the leader's sidekick... Y'know the ones that stepped up to us in the morning? At the booth?"
"The one with red and white hair-?"
"Honestly I won't lie,- That hair slaps." Sero comments.
"Sero.." Kaminari sighs. We chuckle quietly. "But- He's in our class, and... The blonde one that walked in after everyone else... I guess he was late,- But he's the leader, bro."
"The leader? Of the Jocks?" I ask. "I didn't know they had a leader. Does that mean every student party has a leader-?"
"No, they just have a leader cuz they're actual assholes." Sero shrugs.
"Bro. I wouldn't even talk behind their backs--" Kaminari comments quietly.
"I'm not scared of them, dude."
"Me either," I claim. "They're people too... Just.. Conflicted people--"
"Kirishima. They beat people up- They tried sneaking knives into the school- They steal,- They shoved poor Sero into a locker!"
"Kiri, we understand you like giving people chances... And honestly that's such a pretty thing to do--" Sero begins. His voice sounded sincere. "But this group... You should stay away from. We're serious... We don't want you getting hurt."
"No, Kiri-" Kaminari steps in. "They're serious assholes-- They don't have 'saving' at this point. Just... Go on about your year without even remembering they exist, yeah-?"
"Wha- That's rude though-!"

They sigh quietly.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now