[ B a k u g o ' s " F a m i l y " ]

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Their day started off early already.
In reality, Bakugo can hardly wait until Kirishima meets Koji and Kat.
He seemed to get along with Natsuo...
And after the talk the two had, he doesn't feel too bad about Todoroki tagging along.

At 5:25 in the morning, Kirishima is awoken.
A light hand, warm and gentle on Kirishima's shoulder, shaking him lightly until he exhaled that soft groan he always did.
He can immediately tell that the bed has a little too much space,- Bakugo isn't laying down anymore.

"Morning, darling..."

His heart felt fuzzy and raced immensely at the nickname, the soft voice...
His eyes flutter open, and a smile stretches across his face, pushing dimples on the sides of his cheeks. The hand on his shoulder moved up to pinch his cheek.

"Wake up, gorgeous, we're getting ready."
"Mm...? 'Ready'...?"

He sat up slowly and yawned as Bakugo gave him a sweet hug.
He felt so soft... so excited...

Today's going to be a long day... but a special day, a fun day...
A nostalgic day.

"My god, Katsuki, it feels like I'm waking up next to a bucket of sugar," Kirishima chuckled. He sunk into the warmth with a soft hum, enjoying the moment to the fullest,-

Until Bakugo grows playful and begins to tug him out of the bed.

"Baaaabe--! I'm gonna fall-!" He exclaimed.
"Like I'd ever let you do that," Bakugo claimed, "c'mon, get ready--"
"Wha-! Katsuki the sun's not even out yet-!"
"I know," he laughed, "that's the point, gorgeous,"
"L-Listen sir, my heart can only take so much sugar-" Kirishima exhaled a baffled, flustered chuckle.

They meet up with Natsuo downstairs in the kitchen. Todoroki met up with them shortly after.
Natsuo and Bakugo looked the most excited. Natsuo continuously looked at his phone to either reply to something or read something. They currently waited for 'something'.

"Can we know where we're going-?" Kirishima asked with a sleepy chuckle. "I really can't think of a place to go that requires waking up this early-"
"You're gonna love it," Natsuo responded.
"And what are we waiting for?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo's smile was what Kirishima absolutely loved when he responded. He can already tell this person means the world to Bakugo.

"The person who just arrived--!" Natsuo claimed.

Bakugo bolts up and just... leaves.
He rushes towards the door and quickly jiggles the doorknob until he set foot outside, and the three laughed at the pure excitement. Natsuo jogged out, as Kirishima and Todoroki sleepily but excitedly walked out after them.

Kirishima's heart bursts.
Todoroki is utterly surprised.
And Natsuo is, of course, his usual happy, smug self.

About a yard from the building's porch, Bakugo is rocking side to side as he hugs a much shorter girl. He recognizes her from previously given descriptions,

Bakugo's supposed 'little sister'.
It's beautiful how Kirishima can feel a bond between the two.
Beside them is a taller guy,- Kirishima and Todoroki can already tell that he's Natsuo's brother.

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