[ F e a r s A n d R e a s s u r a n c e s ]

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Kirishima had mostly stayed in his dorm room after that night.
His mind has been pretty crowded, but...
No one's to blame, in his point of view.

He did what he did because... he cares.
He's finding himself to be extremely attracted to Bakugo...
He wants to help. He wants to care for him... he wants to be the cause of his smiles.

A little suffering won't make him regret... a lot of suffering will make him glad.

A tough fight earns a well-deserved prize.

He steps out for lunch, wanting food from someplace else.
But once he comes back, he finds Bakugo outside. 

He seems to be waiting for someone.

He steps up into the veranda and approaches Bakugo, who seemed... nervous.
He's wiping his hands on the sides of his pants, and recollecting himself.

"Hi Bakug-"
"W-Were you the one who told the teacher?" Bakugo begins quickly. 

Kirishima's smile falters.

"Yeah... I did..."

His mind begins to spin when Bakugo steps closer, and pulls him into a hug.
The hug was tight.

"I-... I- I know... you didn't mean... a-anything bad.. a-about it... right...?" Bakugo asks quietly.
"Wh-? What-? No, of course I didn't-! Bakugo I want to help you...-"
"Th-..Thanks..." Bakugo's voice grows quieter. "But-... B-But now.. I'm scared..."

Kirishima immediately pulls away from the hug.

"W-... What...? Why are you scared...?"

''He's a monster' bullshit.'
'He's just misunderstood... oh my god... I... I need to help him...'
'I won't sleep. Until I help him...'

"I-... I- I need therapy..." he whispers. "I r-really am.. insane...-"
"Oi, don't say that... just because you need therapy, doesn't mean you're insane." 

Kirishima lowers his head and sighs quietly.

"Let's go back inside... it's freezing out here. But I wanna talk to you, so... just come with me." 

The two are now warmed up, back inside. They've headed up to Kirishima's dorm room, for privacy.

"You... probably... wanna cancel Sunday... right-"
"No! Of course I don't wanna cancel Sunday... Bakugo, I don't see you any differently."

Bakugo looks away.

"I'm not the jock you thought I was... if... if you're interested in that guy... then... he doesn't exist anymore." he claims.

Kirishima's eyes widen.

"I-... I don't... h-have the strength to be him anymore..." 
"Then the next date will be a perfect opportunity to get to know the new Bakugo."

Bakugo flinches. "Wh-Why... you're... really insistent for me..."
"Of course..." Kirishima sits a bit closer to him.

They sat on the edge of Kirishima's bed, beside one another. 
Kirishima had scooted closer to Bakugo.

Cheer The Jock Up! // KiriBakuWhere stories live. Discover now