[ S i c k J o b ]

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"I have a job for you."
"As you always do..." The purple-haired boy groans. "Who's getting murdered tonight." He sighs.
"No one." He grumbles. "Not yet at least."
"Bakugo. You're going to end up in jail one day-"
"Shut the fuck up." Bakugo snaps. "You're gonna watch someone for me."

Shinso blinks in complete confusion. 

"I'm sorry, come again-?"
"Those bastards half and half has been hangin' out with." He grits. "
"Bakugo." He states. "You need to let it go--"
"Yes you are... You're in denial--"
"Keep yapping your fucking mouth and I'll shove my foot up your ass so fucking far you'll be throwing up my fucking shoe." Bakugo growls. "You're gonna pretend to make friends with that green-headed little shit he's been goin' around with.." He states. "You're gonna learn everything he fucking despises, and tell me."
"Then what, you'll ruin someone else's innocent life? Just because Todoroki left--"
"Cl-Clear- Jesus.."

Immediately after they step out of the room, they run into Midoriya and Kirishima.
Bakugo shoves Shinso by the shoulder, his grunt makes the two turn back.

"Uhh..." Shinso begins. 
"Hi...? I don't think you're... In our class, are you-?" Kirishima asks. "I thought kids from other classes weren't allowed here at the dorms--"
"Doesn't fuckin' matter. I don't fuckin' care." 

He walks past the three, bumping his shoulder hard against Midoriya's. 

"I'm fucking outta here." 
"R-..? Rude...?" Kirishima claims.
"Suck my ass" He holds up his middle finger. 

The three stare at each other awkwardly.

"So, uh... Going somewhere?" Shinso begins.

Bakugo had a headache again.
His hand scrambles for his medication bottle,- But he swats it away. He reaches for the pain-relief bottle and dumps four pills on the palm of his hand, before downing them purely.

He had begun rejecting his pills ever since the start of school that year. 
As much as he hated to admit, Todoroki was right.

His mind was scrambled. He felt depressed. He felt crushed. He felt angered. He felt sad. He felt agony. 

The headaches were worsening too. It won't take long until his migraine attacks returned.

But his mentality was stupid, like the doctor said.
His over-confident self thinks he's too good for medication, and that he'll prove that he 'doesn't need medication'.


"If you don't watch this boy carefully, he'll end up killing himself, ma'am." The man delivers coldly. "I-I'm sorry, but-"
"No, no. I understand." The woman chokes out. "N-No easier way to say it. I get it."

She snatches her little boy's wrist, tugging him away at such a fast pace it left the boy and the doctor startled.

"Let's go, Katsuki... They clearly don't see the problem here."


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